
Student resources Student Advocacy

Professional Student Advocates are available to assist with any academic concerns. They will clarify options available to you and, if you so wish, help you to pursue appropriate action. Your discussion with the advocate is confidential. Any action will only be taken with your consent.

Examples of our services:

  • Interpreting university Policies and Procedures
  • Protecting student rights
  • Appeals and hearings
  • Plagiarism hearings
  • Academic Misconduct Hearings
  • Review of an individual piece of assessment
  • Appeal of final subject grade process
  • Examination support including deferrals
  • Special Consideration for assessment and examinations
  • Academic progression and Statement of Reasons
  • Complaints and feedback
  • Discrimination and harassment

Due to limited work days/hours - face-to-face appointments must be scheduled via email prior to a consultation time being finalised. Please send an email to gian.corpuz@jcu.edu.au and wait for confirmation to have your appointment scheduled.