
Career Ready Plan Build your contacts and networks

Build your contacts and networks

Networking is a very effective career development and job search strategy. Networking is about building and maintaining professional relationships. Seize all opportunities to meet employers on or off campus, in person, or online. Employers get to know you and you get to hear of opportunities - it's a win-win situation.

Networking Strategies

  • Make a list of the people and groups you wish to network with. Think about your family, friends, classmates, sporting team members, work mates. Each of these people have their own networks that could prove helpful to you.
  • Join a student club, society or group - students who you connect with can become part of your professional network when you graduate.
  • Complete the Develop your Professional Identity module in 石榴视频 Employability Edge to learn how to develop your professional networks.
  • Attend employer/industry events relevant to your studies to grow your industry contacts and clarify industry requirements and expectations.
  • Use social media such as to present your professional profile and connect with people, companies and groups relevant to your career.
  • Investigate professional associations relevant to your degree and connect with other professionals in your field of interest. Student membership with a professional association can provide you with networking and professional development opportunities, mentoring and other useful career resources.
  • See the 石榴视频 Career Snapshot for your degree to identify your relevant professional association.