
Frequently Asked Questions

The data in Learning Data@石榴视频 updates nightly.

The information you see in reports shows up to the previous day.

Learning analytics relies on Grade Centre use. Ensure that your Grade Centre is set up for capturing the data by following the Grade Centre Setup guide.

If your report does not load, let us know!
Send an email with the Learn石榴视频 Subject site code (e.g. 15-ED1401_TSV_EXT_SP1), the name/s of the report/s you were trying to load, and the time of day/night when you tried to load the report(s) to Learning Analytics.

There are a range of reasons that your counts may be higher than you expected. For example, subject sites in Learn石榴视频 contain a number of items that are either hidden from view or available, perhaps there are some items that are hidden from view. Below are some of the reasons why counts may be high.


  • Content was copied over from a previous year’s site
  • Content that may not be available until a specific time
  • Content that is only made available for a specified period, e.g. an online test
  • Publisher’s resources can sometimes contain many smaller content items


  • Assessment includes practice tests and manually created columns in the GradeCentre
  • If the class has many group submission points, then these are counted individually


  • A high number of announcements will increase the Tool count
  • Blogs, journal and wikis all raise the Tool count due to the nature of their use

Monitoring excess or redundant Content, Assessment and Tools will assist more accurate data to be displayed in Blackboard Analytics, and enable more accurate comparisons to be made. The Learn石榴视频 Guides provide assistance and information on how to manage your Learn石榴视频 site.

No, not at this time. The Level 1 Subject Reports provide basic, subject-level content. Future rollout of reports will provide more detailed information.

At the top of every report is a small ‘save’ icon. You can click this to nominate the format in which you want to download the report (PDF, CSV, Excel, etc). Staff are expected to treat the reports from Blackboard Analytics with confidentiality, as outlined in the 石榴视频 Code of Conduct.