
Example Peer Review

Example comment bank for First year Nursing peer assessment

Peer Review Guidelines

  • Each student will perform one skill and will take 15-20 minutes.
  • Each student will also complete a peer review assessment.
  • Two students will perform a peer review on each student.
  • If a student misses a step, they may be prompted.
  • You may simply say ”What might you do next?”.
  • If the student recognises a missed step, they should be marked Satisfactory.
  • If they still miss a step after prompting, they should be marked Unsatisfactory and comments made in this section.
  • Ask two questions as provided, throughout the assessment to encourage critical thinking.
  • If the student is unable to answer these questions, they should not be marked unsatisfactory but simply place constructive comments in the sections provided as feedback for the student.
  • After the assessment, the peer reviewers will consult briefly and come to a consensus. If the assessors are not in agreeance they may consult with the facilitator but the final decision is with the assessors and they are encouraged to provide feedback in the suggested format.
  • Return the peer review form to the student so they can complete the self-appraisal at the end of the form to submit to PebblePad by the due date.

Prompting Questions-Vital Sign

What might you do next?

  • Recognise this missed step = Satisfactory
  • Does not recognise missed step = Unsatisfactory

Two questions to be asked anytime during the assessment

  1. Why did you perform hand hygiene just now?
    1. As it is one of the 5 moments of hand hygiene.
  2. Why are you assessing vital signs?
    1. As a baseline and to assess internal well-being/status of the patient
  3. Why did you ask the patient if they had hot or cold drinks before you assessed their temperature?
    1. This can alter the result.
  4. Why did you ask the patient if they had any medications prior to assessing the pulse?
    1. Certain medications can alter the pulse rate.
  5. Why are you pumping up the cuff until you can no longer feel the brachial pulse?
    1. At that pressure the blood cannot flow through the artery and gives an estimate of the systolic blood pressure.
  6. What are the normal vital parameters for one of the vital signs for an adult? BP/Pulse/Sa02/Resp/Temp
    1. BP: 120/80mmhg. Pulse: 60-100bpm.Temp: 36.5-37c.Sa02: 95-100%. Resps: 12-20bpm
  7. Why did you document the ADDS score? What is the ADDS score?
    1. To ascertain a baseline/to identify early deterioration of the patient.
    2. This score means……

Prompting Questions-Mobility

What might you do next?

  • Recognised this missed step = Satisfactory
  • Does not recognise the missed step = Unsatisfactory

Two questions to be asked anytime during the assessment

  1. Why did you introduce yourself to the patient?
    1. NMBA standard 2: Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships
  2. What is orthostatic blood pressure?
    1. Orthostatic hypotension, also known as postural hypotension, occurs when a person's blood pressure falls when suddenly standing up from a lying or sitting position. ... Severe drops in blood pressure can lead to fainting, with a possibility of injury.
  3. Why do you walk on the person’s weak side?
    1. For safety/to support them
  4. Why do you place one pillow against the head of the bed?
    1. To protect the patient from injury
  5. Why do you document post the procedure?
    1. It is an NMBA standard…
    2. For a record of care provided for communication to all staff.
    3. To ensure safety for the patient that correct

Prompting Questions-ANTT

What might you do next?

  • Recognised this missed step = Satisfactory
  • Does not recognise the missed step = Unsatisfactory

Two questions to be asked anytime during the assessment

  1. What is ANTT? 
    1. Aseptic non-touch technique.
  2. Why did you introduce yourself to the patient? 
    1. NMBA standard 2: Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships
  3. What are key parts? 
    1. The most critical parts of the procedural equipment are those which come in contact with the patient
  4. Why did you place the rubbish bag between the trolley and the patient? 
    1. To reduce the risk of cross-contamination of my sterile field.
  5. Why did you open the dressing tray by reaching around the trolley and not over the top of it? 
    1. To ensure I don’t contaminate my sterile field
  6. Why did you discard the yellow forceps and not return them to the trolley?
    1. So as not to return contaminated equipment to my aseptic field.