
How to share your videos

The Panopto subject video library provides a place for students to search and view videos from subjects.

Each Learn石榴视频 subject site has a corresponding Panopto video folder that shares the same ID. Students have access to this folder to view the videos and all teaching staff of that subject have access to edit the videos.

When using a video in a subject, it is best to store it in the share Panopto subject video folder. Videos can be created directly within the subject folder, or they can be moved or copied into it.

Videos created (or moved) in a subject video folder become available to students immediately after recording has finished. If you wish to hide the video until a later date, create it in your personal 'My Folder' and then move it into the subject video folder when ready."

After a video is in a subject video folder it can also be added as a link in the subject content area, or embedded to an Ultra document or discussion.

For more information visit Copy or move a video between folders

For more information visit Link subject video library in content area

For more information visit Adding a video to the content area

For more information visit Embedding a video into an Ultra Document