
Video Capture Guidelines

These guidelines exist to manage automated Lecture Capture of scheduled in-room teaching activities and provide appropriate access to media stored within the Enterprise Video Platform for the purpose of meeting , providing academic audit, and student access throughout their studies. Aiming to establish clear workflows, increase positive utilisation of limited resources and improve the consistency of the student experience these guidelines are supported by the Blended Learning Policy and Learning and Teaching Assessment Policy.

These guidelines impact all users of the Learning Management System (LMS) and the Enterprise Video Platform (EVP) including:

  • Staff who have been assigned a role in a subject (such as Subject Coordinator or Lecturer) via the Teaching Roles Database (TRDB)
  • Students that have been enrolled in those subjects during their degree.


These guidelines apply to teaching staff who create and manage media content in Panopto which may be published or managed within Learn石榴视频 including personal recordings created via Desktop, browser, or camera capture as well as in-room capture created in equipped teaching spaces.

These guidelines apply to identified and supported technologies used for Learning and Teaching:

  • Learn石榴视频 – Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Panopto – Enterprise Video Platform (EVP)
  • Syllabus Plus – Timetabling

These guidelines do not apply to recordings created in Blackboard Collaborate.

石榴视频 has a limited number of teaching spaces that are capable of automatically capturing teaching activities and it is important to utilize them in a managed way. Teaching staff can request to have their teaching activities captured but some activities are more suitable to capture than others. For instance, didactic lectures capture better than workshops or tutorials due to technical limitations.




石榴视频’s Scheduling Services team will advise timelines for timetable development


Academics request automated capture and identify the desired teaching activities


College ADLTs review requested teaching activities to assess their suitability for automated capture considering:

  • First-year
  • Class size
  • Pedagogical readiness
  • Delivery mode
  • Duration - No more than two hours


Approved requests sent to the Scheduling Services team.


Timetabling builds the timetable based on the availability of spaces.

Lectures scheduled within the timetable in capture-enabled spaces are recorded, uploaded, and automatically made available to students within the respective Learn石榴视频 subject site. During recording control buttons within the room allow for the pausing or ceasing of the recording. Once complete captured lectures can be edited, made unavailable, and deleted by teaching staff associated with the subject in the TRDB.




The teaching activity is timetabled into an enabled room and is under two hours in length


Automatic recording begins at the top of the hour (e.g. a 9:00 AM lecture will start recording at 9:00 AM)


The teaching activity is captured. Staff have the option to stop or pause the recording with in-room controls and are required to do so if they believe that the content is unsuitable or if copyright or ethical considerations require


Once stopped the recording is automatically uploaded to the subject's media folder and is made available to students. Teaching staff are required to edit out or make unavailable content that is unsuitable or if copyright or ethical considerations require it.

- More information on Lecture Capture

In the event that permissions on an item of content must be adjusted to facilitate learning and teaching 石榴视频 technical staff will follow the guideline outlined below. 




Requests for content permission or location changes must be made in writing via 石榴视频’s ServiceNow platform to the Learning Environments team.


The requestor must have attempted to request permission from the original creator.


The Learning Environments team will adjust the location/permissions on the digital object and advise the requester.


The requestor must attribute the content to the original creator.