
REAM 2023

CITBA Regional Economist Annual Meeting (REAM)

Embark on a transformative journey with us at the CITBA Regional Economist Annual Meeting (REAM), a distinguished annual gathering meticulously curated by the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) at 石榴视频. This event stands as a pivotal platform uniting formidable intellects in the field of economics to chart a course for significant positive changes within our region.

A Confluence of Minds for Regional Progress: In an unprecedented collaboration, government officials, academic leaders, and independent practitioners converge at this exclusive event, recognizing the critical role of economics in steering our region towards prosperity. As the economic landscape continually evolves, the need for collective insight and collaborative strategies becomes increasingly apparent. The CITBA Regional Economist Annual Meeting is the nexus where these influential voices harmonize, poised to shape the trajectory of our region's economic future.

Aligned with the University's Strategic Intent: The CITBA Regional Economist Annual Meeting is a testament to the University's commitment to fostering collaboration and driving regional progress. As a significant group of leading researchers collaboratively working in the field of economics, CITBA aligns with the University's strategic intent. This alignment ensures that the meeting enables the development of critical mass, promoting a focused and externally recognized research strength.

Promoting External Focus and Research Strength: The meeting serves as a beacon, attracting not only researchers but also government officials and industry leaders, facilitating an exchange of ideas that goes beyond the academic realm. By providing a platform for comprehensive discussions and collaborations, CITBA reinforces its commitment to promoting external focus and enhancing research strength in the field of economics.

This annual gathering reflects CITBA's dedication to advancing knowledge and making a tangible impact on the economic well-being of our region. Join us in this annual tradition that not only fosters collaboration but also propels the collective effort towards unprecedented growth and positive changes.

  • Date: Friday, 8th December
  • Time: 10 AM - 1 PM
  • Location: 石榴视频 Smithfield Nguma-bada Campus
  • Refreshments: Provided

This annual meeting transcends traditional networking; it is a dynamic forum where participants actively engage in discussions, deliberations, and the formulation of collaborative ventures. As a participant affiliated with 石榴视频, a government official, or an independent practitioner, your distinctive insights carry immense weight in the collective effort to propel our region towards unprecedented growth.

Distinguished individuals from various sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Mr. Bill Cummings, Principal Cumming Economics
  • Mr. Ian McKridy, Manager, Regional Economic Development North, Dept of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
  • Mr. Angelo Finocchiaro, Executive Manager Economic Development Tablelands Regional Council
  • Mr. Samuel Doyle-Wiaczek, Program Leader Economic Development Cairns Regional Council
  • Dr. Thomas Bristow, former Research Development and Partnerships Advisor
  • A/Prof Josephine Pryce, Head, Management, Governance and Tourism
  • Ms. Diana Castorina, Lecturer Economics, Economics & Marketing
  • Prof Hurriyet Babacan, Professorial Research Fellow, Professor of Economics, The Cairns Institute
  • Dr. Diane Jarvis, Senior Lecturer, CBLG, 石榴视频
  • A/Prof Taha Chaiechi, Head, Economics and Marketing, CBLG, 石榴视频 & Australia Director for Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA)

Agenda Highlights:

  1. Networking and Welcome Reception:
    • Facilitate connections among participants from diverse sectors.
    • Create an inclusive atmosphere fostering open dialogue.
  2. Interactive Sessions on Regional Economic Trends:
    • Dive into the current economic landscape of our region.
    • Discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping our economic future.
  3. Exploring Collaborative Ventures and Research Opportunities:
    • Foster partnerships between academia and government bodies.
    • Identify areas for collaborative research projects.
  4. Informal Discussions and Knowledge Exchange:
    • Provide a platform for casual, yet impactful, conversations.
    • Encourage the exchange of ideas and insights among participants.

The inaugural CITBA Regional Economist Meetup in 2023 marked a significant milestone in shaping the economic discourse of our region. Delegates, comprising esteemed members from academia, government, and independent sectors, convened in a collaborative spirit that surpassed traditional networking boundaries.

The meeting emerged as a robust platform for comprehensive discussions, fostering deep thinking and analysis of our evolving economic landscape. Delegates engaged in insightful dialogues, leveraging their diverse expertise to delve into the intricacies of regional economic trends, challenges, and opportunities.

One of the notable outcomes was the formulation of solid initiatives for the upcoming year, with strategic plans taking shape to address pertinent issues and drive positive changes in 2024. The collective intellect of the participants, coupled with their commitment to regional progress, laid the foundation for impactful collaborations and initiatives that promise to shape the economic trajectory of our region in the years to come. The success of this inaugural meeting sets the stage for an annual tradition, further solidifying the CITBA Regional Economist Meetup as a cornerstone event in the regional economic calendar.