
CITBA Our News News and Events 2023

News and Events 2023

If you are interested in finding out more about CITBA and our areas of specific expertise please refer to our media contacts list.

CITBA News- January 2023

Welcome to the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) community! As we begin a new year, we are excited to embark on a journey of active collaboration, research, and engagement. CITBA's mission is to create a platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, and students to disseminate their findings and engage with global experts in the field of international trade and business.

Throughout the year, we will be organising a variety of workshops, international conferences, and other events to provide opportunities for our members to share their research, gain new insights, and network with others in the field. These events will provide a platform for members to present their work, receive feedback, and engage in meaningful discussions.

In addition to these events, we will also be working to support our members in developing their research careers by promoting areas of institutional research excellence, strengthening research capability, and fostering collaboration across disciplinary and Faculty boundaries.

We are looking forward to a year of exciting new research, engaging discussions, and meaningful collaborations. We encourage all of our members to participate in our events and to take advantage of the opportunities we provide to grow as researchers and professionals. Let's work together to make this a productive and successful year for CITBA and all of its members.

We encourage all of our members and followers to stay connected with us by following our updates on social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn, where we regularly share news, updates, and opportunities for collaboration and engagement within the CITBA community.

To connect us through our linked-In page, please click

Our Twitter handle is : @CITBA4

CITBA聽聽News- March 2023

Jonathan Reynolds is Deputy Dean at the University of Oxford's Sa茂d Business School and an Associate Professor in Retail Marketing. Jonathan’s research focuses primarily on the retail sector and he is one of the leading academic experts in this field internationally. He is recognised for his work in the areas of electronic commerce and omni-channel retailing, innovation & entrepreneurship in retailing, retail productivity and skills, and the role of place in marketing and retail management - in particular, the consequences for retail development and planning. He is presently Deputy Director of the ESRC-funded Consumer Data Research Centre, a multi-million pound initiative run jointly by the Universities of Oxford, Liverpool, Leeds and UCL which has created a service that has opened up the data resources routinely collected by the retail business sector to academic research, training and capacity building. He has also been Associate Director of the ESRC-funded Retail Industry Business Engagement Cluster (RIBEN), a 拢1.4m collaboration between Oxford, Southampton, Leeds and Surrey Universities.

This workshop focuses on publishing qualitative work in leading journals. The idea is to have a conversation about the challenges, to do some myth-busting, and to share learning points. The workshop will pay special attention to contribution. In this workshop, Prof Vaara will share his own experiences about the challenges faced in publishing in top journals from the author, reviewer and editor perspectives. He will offer insights from case base studies, process studies, historical studies and discourse studies. While doing so he will share his views on how to be authentic, detailed and clear in argumentation and style of writing. Finally, he will provide his insights on what ‘contribution’ means in the context of the top journals. Here he will share his experiences to highlight the distinction between the papers which make it through the review process and those which do not succeed after initial review stages. In this 90 minute interactive session, Prof Vaara will look forward to welcoming questions from fellow academics. Accordingly, a substantial amount of time will be reserved for questions aimed at having an open dialogue, sharing each other’s experiences.

By: Eero Vaara Professor in Organisations and Impact, University of Oxford's Sa茂d Business School


The lecture focuses on mega-regionalism as a new format of governing and organising international trade relations that sits between unilateralism and multilateralism. The emergence of mega-regionalism since the late 2000s can be explained by competition between the United States, China and the European Union for economic benefits, geopolitical influence and normative authority. Momentum towards mega-regionalism in particular and trade liberalisation in general has, however, been held back by Trumpism and protectionism. The implications of the Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific Economic Strategy will also be discussed.


CITBA News April 2023

Following the successful International Conference on Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability (BEMAS) 2021 and 2022 editions, the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) at 石榴视频, Singapore (石榴视频S), held its Sustainability, Economics, Innovation, Globalisation and Organisational Psychology (SEIGOP) Conference on 1 – 3 March 2023 in Singapore.

The conference  included:

  • 2 pre-conference workshops;
  • Key Note Speech by Associate Prof Jonathan Reynolds (University of Oxford);
  • Schneider Electric Learning Journey;
  • 55 national and international participants (e.g., Japan, Kenya, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Korea);
  • 39 paper presentations in 6 different tracks; 26 presented papers to be included in edited volume published by Springer Nature (end 2023). Provisional title: “Innovation-driven Business and Sustainability in the Tropics”.

The Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) at 石榴视频, Australia is proud to invite you to participate in the 3rd International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Sustainability (BEMAS). This conference is a platform for researchers, academics, professionals, and students to come together and share their insights and experiences on the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in the fields of business, economics, management, sustainability, AI, and resilience.

The conference will focus on the theme of " Exploring Innovations for a Sustainable, Resilient, and AI-driven Future ". As we face global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, it is more important than ever to find innovative solutions that promote sustainability and resilience. The conference will explore how the fields of business, economics, management, sustainability, AI, and resilience can work together to create a more sustainable and resilient future for all.

More information will be released in the coming weeks

石榴视频, and Informit have signed a partnership agreement and JRE is now included in the Informit database. Informit is an online gateway to the largest collection of Australasian scholarly journals, books, and videos. Founded in the RMIT University Library in 1989, they have established partnerships with Australian and New Zealand universities, state libraries, and government.

Congratulations to A/Prof Taha Chaiechi , Editor-in-Chief for JRE and Australia Director of CITBA for establishing such a valuable partnership.

JRE is now indexed in Google Scholar, and included in Informit database. JRE is a listed journal with . JRE exports articles metadata in CrossRef XML and DataCite formats and it applies Dublin Core meta tags in article views for indexing purposes. JRE is published through an  as part of the .

Centre for international Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) at CBLG is proud to be included in Queensland Science Capability Directory with the

Congratulations to our lead researchers to be included in the directory as well:

  • Centre Director, A/Prof Taha Chaiechi - Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Resilient Economies and expert in systematic modelling of economic, environmental, and social variables
  • A/Prof Josephine Pryce - Expertise in organisational behaviour with a focus on the sustainability of working lives.
  • Prof Hurriyet Babacan - Extensive record of leading multidisciplinary research in Australia and the Asia Pacific relating to economic and social development

CITBA News - May 2023

1. Contribution to a book entitled:  Toward an Integrated Science of Wellbeing

Dr Diane Jarvis is the lead author on Chapter 18, ‘Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services, and Subjective Wellbeing: A Systematic Review’, by Diane Jarvis, Phil Lignier, Ida Kubiszewski, Robert Costanza.  Phil is a HDR student with CBLG, working for his PhD entitled ‘Spatial and Longitudinal Variations in the Economic, Social and Environmental Factors of Life Satisfaction’.  This work was a result of a collaboration began during Covid lockdown, and has finally led to the publication of the book this month.

Abstract for Chapter

Humans depend on the rest of nature for their health, wellbeing, and survival. Recent research has analysed the extent to which self-reported life satisfaction (as one form of subjective wellbeing) is related to various proxies for natural capital and ecosystem services. The authors of this chapter analysed 87 studies published between 2000 and 2019 that modelled different versions of this relationship around four basic themes: (1) degree of human intervention, (2) specific environmental goods and services, (3) adverse impacts, and (4) overarching indicators. Results showed that positive effects are most significant when there is a balance of natural, built, human, and social capital and that nonlinear relationships that incorporate this interaction may be most appropriate.

More information about the book and chapter can be found at

2. Unemployment benefit eligibility requirements and perceived time pressure

Authors: Ruud Gerards, Riccardo Welters



An emerging body of literature links stressors or obstacles (e.g., compliance to an unemployment benefit eligibility requirement) to poor job search quality, questioning the effectiveness of such requirements in helping the unemployed to find employment. We investigate whether compliance to an unemployment benefit eligibility requirement affects an unemployed person's perception of time pressure, which theory relates to job search quality and which itself is hard to gauge.


We conduct a propensity-score matching analysis, using data on the Australian “mutual obligations” program, matching otherwise similar unemployed persons with and without an unemployment benefit eligibility requirement.


Controlling for a wide range of confounders, we find a statistically significant positive effect of an unemployment benefit eligibility requirement on the affected person's perception of time pressure as theory predicts.


Others have hypothesized that poor labor market outcomes for those subjected to a “mutual obligations” requirement are a result of the requirement's adverse effect on job search quality. Our finding that compliance to unemployment benefit eligibility requirements increases an unemployed person's perceptions of time pressure aligns with that hypothesis.

3. Sustainable lifestyles, eating out habits and the green gap: a study of food waste segment

Congratulations to Dr Breda McCarthy and Dr Hongbo Liu for their articles  being picked up by more than 70 news outlet and the attention score of 552

4. How well do we search for missing people in Queensland, Australia? (in press)

Authors: James Whitehead, Richard Franklin, Dr Tracey Mahony


Most countries, states or counties have an organised Search and Rescue (SAR) response to reported missing people, whether it is by statutory authorities such as the police or by volunteer groups. The success or otherwise of the ensuing searches is often dependent on the training of the coordination team and the adherence to known and proven search strategies. It would be realistic to assert that the chances of a successful search are reduced if the coordinator cannot put those searchers in the right location. This paper examines the functionality of the SAR system in Queensland, looking at the coordination structure, the strategies utilised in determining search areas and whether they are still fit for purpose. The response to SAR is a police responsibility with the assistance of volunteers groups such as the State Emergency Service, and to this end a significant effort is undertaken to train both police coordinators and volunteer searchers.

5. Increasing uptake of improved land management practice to benefit environment and landholders: insights through a transaction cost lens

Authors: Anthea Coggan, Rachel Hay, Diane Jarvis, Rachel Eberhardd , and Barbara Colls


Transaction costs, related to either investigating improved land management practices (ILMP), engaging in adoption support programs for these practices and/or implementing changes on-ground, create barriers to ILMP adoption. Perceived and actual transaction costs have long been hypothesised as a potential barrier to grazier adoption of ILMPs in catchments to the Great Barrier Reef. Applying a framework derived from transaction cost theory, we assess this hypothesis. Through semi-structured interviews of a sample of participants in two ILMP programs, we find that ILMP adoption support program characteristics have a large influence on perceived and actual transaction costs of landholders seeking to engage in ILMP programs or adopt ILMPs. The importance of establishing and nurturing relationships between landholders and extension officers was also highlighted as critical to reducing landholder transaction costs. The degree to which relationships reduce transaction costs demonstrates the importance of fostering landholder leadership in ILMP program design as well as targeted extension in supporting adoption.

our member from the Economics and Marketing Academic Group is rekindling the "STAT HELP" initiative. STAT HELP offers support and expert guidance in the field of Statistics and Econometrics through collaborative learning and customised assistance. The initiative is designed to be accessible, free, and inclusive, catering to CBLG academics and HDR students from diverse backgrounds, disciplines, and skill levels. It provides multiple channels of communication, accommodates different learning styles, and creates a supportive and inclusive environment.

Zoom Drop-in Sessions: Every Friday from 2pm to 3pm commencing 2 June 2023

To set up a zoom appointment, please contact Dr beg at Rabiul.beg@jcu.edu.au

We encourage you to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to enhance your understanding and application of statistics and econometrics. Do not hesitate to reach out to me or Dr Beg for assistance.

Big change needs big collaboration. In pursuit of impactful transformations, the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) has wholeheartedly invested in fostering fruitful partnerships with institutions that share our vision. We are proud to collaborate with esteemed organizations such as Green Spaces, dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. Together, we strive to create a greener future and drive positive change in the business landscape.

CITBA actively engages in collaborations with the Cairns Regional Council, a key regional authority that plays a pivotal role in shaping the economic and social fabric of our community. By working hand in hand, we leverage our collective expertise and resources to develop strategies that promote sustainable growth, economic prosperity, and inclusive business opportunities within the region.

These partnerships and collaborations exemplify CITBA's commitment to fostering meaningful connections and driving positive change. By joining forces with like-minded organizations, we harness collective knowledge, experience, and resources to address the challenges of our time and create a brighter future for businesses, communities, and the environment. Together, we embrace the power of collaboration to bring about transformative outcomes and pave the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future.

CITBA News- June 2023

CITBA News- June 2023

We are absolutely delighted to have been able to secure a project in a funded CRC-NA initiative . The funding for this project is $280k, which includes $100k for expenses. A/Prof Taha Chaiechi, Dr Daniel Grainger, and Dr Diane Jarvis will each commit to this project over the 3 years.


  • Output 1 - Understand and mapping to acknowledge the cultural values in the catchment – Diane to lead with Daniel providing support
  • Output 2 - Develop an understanding of the potential for water resource development by Indigenous groups in the catchment, including scale of economics and opportunity – Taha to lead

Congratulations to our researchers for securing this prestigious competitive funding

Approach to market in relation to project-level blue carbon ecosystem restoration benefits by DCCEEW

led by Greening Australia with TropWater as the first named 石榴视频 partner, with $239k of the reduced bid. This money comes to CBLG will include funding various project costs such as fees to TOs and travel costs and a RA. Congratulations to Dr Diane Jarvis to be a leading researcher in this project for the next 3 years.


Assoc Professor Taha Chaiechi was a panelist on a Panel with the focus on: The Civic University: Reimagining Higher Education for Community Engagement and Social Impact , part of CCC Emerging Leaders Programme


The initiative is organized by the Cairns Chamber of Commerce which offers participants a series of workshops, keynote presentations and site famils that will be held across the duration of the Programme. Each one has been designed to help the cohort to build leadership skills, soft skills and industry knowledge to help them grow as individuals and progress their careers.


CITBA News - July 2023

CITBA News - July 2023

Assoc. Professor Taha Chaiechi was honored with an invitation to deliver two guest lectures in a module called “Government in a Market Economy (GME)) in the Executive Master of Public Administration program organised by Australia & New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). The lectures   were attended by an impressive cohort of over 73 participants, all of whom were mid- to high- level managers representing diverse government sectors.

Ms Diana Castorina appeared in the ABC news as an expert economists. She discussed how 300 homes in Glenden, located to the south-west of Mackay, are facing the risk of being bulldozed due to the closure of operations by the mine company that originally built the town four decades ago. We strongly recommend listening to Diana, as she offers a comprehensive analysis of the economic requirements of these towns. Her insights shed light on the intricate dynamics at play and the potential implications for the community.

Natasha Buttler's recent presentation on Chambers on Tab was truly inspirational and insightful. With her wealth of knowledge and expertise, Natasha delved into the crucial aspect of boosting the online presence of businesses. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, her session highlighted the significance of looking beyond the confines of conventional social platforms.

Natasha's session provided a comprehensive analysis of the evolving needs of businesses in today's interconnected world. She eloquently elaborated on the potential benefits of diversifying online strategies, pointing out how businesses can tap into new avenues to strengthen their digital footprint. Her expertise shone through as she shared practical insights, strategies, and actionable steps that businesses can take to optimize their online visibility.

CITBA News - August 2023

CITBA News - August 2023

We are thrilled to announce a highly promising collaboration between Thuongmai University and the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA). This collaborative effort aims to establish a strong partnership with a focus on identifying core areas and priorities that will mutually benefit both institutions and the broader community. This initiative marks an exciting step forward in our shared commitment to academic excellence and fostering meaningful impacts through collaborative endeavors.


Generally, Thuongmai University research priorities are customer behavior, corporate strategy, marketing, e-commerce, logistics and SCM, economics, international trade, and commerce that actively engages with industry and the public sector to develop and disseminate knowledge with real world impact. CITBA’s research priorities are international trade and business in Asia, including trade policy, business strategies, and economic development in the ASEAN and Australasian region.

As international trade, trade policy, and business strategy are common and shared areas between both organisations, it is recommended that the initial projects in this partnership focus on these fields for the first 12 months.

Therefore, the combination of skills, knowledge, expertise, and influence needed to contribute toward a partnership would be within the abovementioned areas. Both potential partners’ levels of knowledge, expertise, and capacities are similar, but also complement each other.

Welcome Aboard Dr Boccalate to CITBA Family.

We extend a warm welcome to Councillor Kaylee Boccalatte. Dr Boccalate  has a Doctor of Philosophy (majoring in Employment Relations, Transaction Cost Economics and Neo-Classical Economic Value) and is serving her first term as a Councillor of Burdekin Shire Council.


Councillor Boccalatte has held various roles over the years, including as a Director of the Nu-Tank group of companies (2008-2016), a Lecturer and Sessional Academic at 石榴视频 (2017-2019), a Contributing Author for Palgrave Macmillan (2019-present) and undertaking all administrative tasks for her family farm. Kaylee’s areas of interest include economic development and agriculture, with her family ties also ensuring a keen interest in a number of sporting and community organisations. Whilst Kaylee aims to use her time as a Councillor to help create a better district for the community now, she also wants to ensure she creates a better future for our children.

Dr Boccalatte has presented a series of exceptional research initiatives that have the potential to shape into fascinating projects. Dr. Boccalatte's fresh perspective and innovative ideas are a valuable addition to our research community, and we look forward to the exciting contributions she will undoubtedly make to our collective endeavors.

Welcome to CITBA Family !

We extend a warm welcome to Dr. Sweta Banerjee as the newest addition to our scholarly community at CITBA. With an impressive academic background, Dr. Banerjee holds an MBA degree from Guwahati University, along with M.Com., M.Phil., and a PhD in Stress Management and Job Satisfaction from Singhania University, Rajasthan. Her extensive qualifications are supplemented by certifications including Personal Profile Analyst from Thomas International, Certified Transactional Analysis Trainer, Certified Transactional Analysis Practitioner, and Associate Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

石榴视频 Having served as a Professor and Deputy Director at Balaji Institute of Technology and Management, Sri Balaji University, Pune, Dr. Banerjee's impact is also evident in her extensive publication record. She has authored over 30 research papers in both National and International journals, and her scholarly contributions have been acknowledged with the prestigious 'Best Paper Award' at International Conferences. Notably, Dr. Banerjee's expertise extends to book authorship, where she has penned works on Organizational Behaviour and Employee Efficiency.

We are pleased to announce that Proceedings of the Sustainability, Economics, Innovation, Globalisation and Organisational Psychology Conference 2023 (SEIGOP 2023) is now published under the title of "Innovation-Driven Business and Sustainability in the Tropics" . Congratulations to the Editors of the proceeding , Dr Emiel L. Eijdenberg, Dr Malobi Mukherjee, Dr. Jacob Wood.


The link to the proceeding can be found here:

CITBA News- September 2023

CITBA News - September 2023

We are delighted to announce the recent publication of a thought-provoking book, "#Whatever: the Alternative Narrative," authored by our esteemed CITBA Research Fellow, Dr. Mansi Kapoor. This insightful work challenges readers to reevaluate assumptions regarding numerous pivotal issues we face on our journey towards an uncertain future. It encourages contemplation about our choices and questions our true sense of freedom. What lies ahead?

About the Author: Dr. Mansi Kapoor, a distinguished academic based in Pune, is an accomplished MBA graduate from India's leading Central University (B.H.U). She also holds a distinguished PhD in Leadership and Spirituality from the renowned Savitri Bai Phule Pune University. Her research interests span sustainability, leadership, business environment, spirituality, philosophy, and cultural studies. With two decades of noteworthy experience in both corporate and academic spheres, Dr. Kapoor brings a unique and insightful perspective to her work and writing.

Link to the book:  


CITBA is pleased to officially announce the addition of Mr. W. S. (Bill) Cummings as a Research Fellow. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in CITBA's commitment to advancing regional economic research and development.

With a distinguished career spanning over six decades, Bill Cummings brings a wealth of experience and expertise in regional business economics. His professional journey includes extensive economic research at the national level in Canberra during the 1960s, followed by the management of regional development promotion organizations in the 1970s. Over the past 40 years, Mr. Cummings has provided invaluable professional services to a multitude of industries, regions, and organizations across Northern Australia and into the Pacific.

His unparalleled experience in regional business economics adds a valuable dimension to our research endeavors. Bill has been a trusted collaborator with CITBA, actively contributing to our associated publications and events for several years. We are delighted to formalize this relationship through his Research Fellowship.

Bill's CITBA profile can be accessed here.

Bill's main professional profile and his agency can be accessed

CITBA News- October 2023

CITBA News- October 2023

CITBA  is pleased to announce  its first  Regional Economist Meetup

CITBA is delighted to announce its very first Regional Economist Meetup—an event poised to be a significant milestone in the collaborative landscape of our region's economic influencers. This semi-formal gathering will serve as a focal point for distinguished professionals, be it from the esteemed corridors of 石榴视频, governmental spheres, or independent economic practitioners. It's a unique occasion designed to foster connections, exchange groundbreaking ideas, and unearth the potential for impactful collaborations. This meetup promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees, offering an exclusive space to engage with like-minded peers who are shaping the economic discourse in our region.

More information will be released in due course. In the meanwhile please forward all your inquiries to citba@jcu.edu.au

We are thrilled to share that our recently joined Research Fellow , Mr Bill Cummingas, at the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) has been making waves with significant research updates. Their dedication and expertise have already begun to shape and enrich our academic landscape.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • HONOURS RECEIVED- Information Release - Principal of Cummings Economics, Bill Cummings, has been honoured by Central Queensland University with the granting of Honorary Doctorate in Economics. Mr Cummings has also accepted an invitation to be an Honorary Research Fellow of the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) at 石榴视频.
  • WELCOME PROGRESS IN DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL EDUCATION FACILITIES- CERef-J3500C Information Release - With a residential population topping 300,000, the Cairns Tropical (Far) North Queensland region is now the largest in population in northern Australia. However, the level of hospital development and university medical teaching facilities have lagged behind other major northern regions..  
  • PENINSULA ROAD SEALING MILESTONE- CERef-J3500B Statistical Note - A drive over Peninsula roads carried out in July/August 2023 indicated the Peninsula Developmental Road (PDR) from the Lakeland turnoff to Weipa is now 66% sealed.  Only 202km of the 590km route remains unsealed.  
  • GRP TROPICAL NORTHEAST AUSTRALILA SUPER REGION COMPARED- CERef-J3500B Statistical Note - Australia's great Tropical NorthEast Super Region is now recording a value of Gross Regional Product (GRP) of $90Bn a year.  

In a commendable effort to foster greater collaboration and synergy in the realm of education, Dean Higher Education TAFE QLD, , and CITBA Australia Director, , joined forces to co-organize a strategic planning session.

The primary objective of this collaborative initiative is to fortify the relationship between TAFE QLD and CITBA, with a special focus on enhancing joint events and scholarly activities. The planning session was a testament to the commitment of both institutions to elevate the academic experience and create meaningful connections.

Key Highlights:

  1. Joint Events: The planning session delved into the exciting prospect of organizing joint events that bridge the gap between academia and industry. These events aim to provide a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and fostering a collaborative spirit among students, faculty, and professionals.
  2. Scholarly Activities: TAFE QLD and CITBA recognize the immense value in pooling resources for scholarly activities. The collaborative efforts will include research projects, seminars, and workshops that leverage the collective expertise of both institutions, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and academic excellence.
  3. Mutual Growth: By aligning their visions and resources, TAFE QLD and CITBA aspire to create an environment that nurtures not only the growth of individual students but also the broader educational landscape. The collaboration is poised to open up new opportunities for learning and research.

Dr. Sharon Schembri and Associate Professor Taha Chaiechi expressed their enthusiasm for this collaborative endeavor. They emphasized the importance of fostering a strong bond between TAFE QLD and CITBA to create a more enriching academic experience for students and faculty alike.

This strategic planning session marks the beginning of an exciting chapter in the partnership between TAFE QLD and CITBA. As the collaboration unfolds, we look forward to witnessing the positive impact it will have on the academic community and beyond. Stay tuned for updates on the collaborative initiatives and the shared journey towards academic excellence!

CITBA News- November 2023

CITBA News- November 2023

In a significant stride towards fostering international collaboration and academic synergy, the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) and DES Pune University, India, are embarking on a journey of meaningful collaboration. Spearheaded by the concerted efforts of from DES Pune University and , this collaboration promises to bring forth enriching opportunities for researchers and academics.

Key Developments:

  1. Virtual Research Workshop in 2024: Building on the shared commitment to advancing research and knowledge, CITBA and DES Pune University will co-organize a Virtual Research Workshop in 2024. This platform will provide a virtual space for scholars, researchers, and experts from both institutions to exchange ideas, present their research findings, and explore potential areas of collaboration. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting event!
  2. High-Level Meeting: In line with the collaborative spirit, the CITBA Director, Associate Professor Taha Chaiechi and the Founding Vice Chancellor of DES Pune University, Professor Parasad Khandekar, convened on the 8th of December. This strategic meeting served as a pivotal moment, setting the groundwork for a robust and enduring collaboration between the two institutions. The discussions focused on identifying areas of mutual interest, exploring joint research initiatives, and fostering academic exchanges.

Dedicated to advancing responsible consumption and production, two eminent and Dr. Rajeshwari Patil, from are spearheading a transformative project. Their initiative, titled "Advancing Responsible Consumption and Production: A Phenomenological Study Using Design Thinking Methodology on Food Waste Management in a University Mess in Pune," stands as a beacon of progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 12.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production This groundbreaking project seamlessly aligns with one of CITBA's existing flagship initiatives, "Community Empowerment, Transformative Growth, and Building a Resilient Economy." By addressing issues at the grassroots level, Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Patil exemplify CITBA's commitment to effecting positive change within communities and promoting sustainable economic resilience.

Anticipated Impact:

The outcomes of this research endeavor hold the potential to influence not only the local university setting in Pune but also contribute valuable insights applicable on a broader scale. Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Patil's dedication to sustainable practices exemplifies CITBA's mission to drive impactful research with a global resonance.

As the project unfolds, stay tuned for updates on the strides being made towards responsible consumption and production. CITBA remains at the forefront of innovative research, catalyzing positive change for communities and fostering a more resilient, empowered, and sustainable future.

We are delighted to extend our warmest congratulations to , on the successful completion of her report and research grant for Energy Consumers Australia. Dr. McCarthy's dedication and expertise have been instrumental in delivering valuable insights through her project titled "The Solar Rebound and Renewable Energy Adoption in the Sunshine State."

Key Achievements:

  1. In-Depth Analysis: Dr. McCarthy's report delves into the intricate dynamics of "The Solar Rebound" and its implications for the adoption of renewable energy in the Sunshine State. Her in-depth analysis promises to shed light on critical factors shaping the renewable energy landscape.
  2. Strategic Impact: The completion of this research grant marks a significant milestone in advancing our understanding of consumer behavior and trends in renewable energy adoption. Dr. McCarthy's work holds the potential to inform policies and strategies that align with the evolving energy landscape.

Acknowledging Excellence:

Dr. McCarthy's commitment to excellence is commendable, and her accomplishments resonate with our commitment to impactful research and scholarship. We acknowledge the diligence and expertise she brought to this project, contributing to the broader academic community's understanding of renewable energy dynamics.

As part of its ongoing commitment to fostering knowledge exchange and staying at the forefront of emerging trends, the Centre for International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA) is thrilled to announce its upcoming webinar – "The Future of Halal Travel: Opportunities and Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Region."

Event Details:

  • Date and Time: 5 December 2023, 11 am to 12 pm
  • Location: Online Webinar

Overview: The Halal travel sector is rapidly evolving, and the Asia-Pacific region is emerging as a pivotal market for Halal tourism. This webinar, the fourth installment in CITBA's insightful series, will provide a comprehensive overview of the current landscape, exploring both the opportunities and challenges that define the future of Halal travel.

Speaker Profile

Mr Fazal Bahardeen
CEO, CrescentRating and HalalTrip

After an 18-year corporate career, Fazal decided to venture into entrepreneurship. Having experienced the difficulty of finding basic faith-based needs as a frequent Muslim traveller, in 2008, he founded CrescentRating in Singapore, in a quest to make travel easier for Muslims. Over the next 14 years, CrescentRating has grown to key markets across Middle East, South Asia, Western Europe, North America and the rest of Asia. It is now the world’s leading authority on Halal Travel. In his corporate career as a Telecom executive, Fazal held senior positions in Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore. He also served as a board member of Alcatel-Fujitsu JV for 3G technology. He was listed among the 20 "Life Power List 2016" of Singapore's Straits Times (Singapore’s leading English Daily) and recognized as one the "Top 50 Leaders of the Islamic Economy" by "Islamica 500".

Fazal completed the Executive Program from Stanford University & National University of Singapore, Strategic Leadership Development Program from Ashridge Management School and International Management in Telecoms Industry from London Business School. He has an International Masters in Management from Management School of Lyon, Master’s Degree in Computer Applications and Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications from Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications. He also has a Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance from International Islamic University of Malaysia. He has spoken at many conferences across the globe during the last few years and has been widely quoted in the media.

Host & Moderator Profile
Dr. Nurhafihz Noor  Dr Nurhafihz Noor
Lecturer, Business
石榴视频 Singapore

Dr Hafihz is a lecturer at 石榴视频 Singapore. His thesis developed the AISAQUAL scale to measure the service quality of artificial intelligence service agents. He has since published in the European Journal of Marketing, Australasian Marketing Journal and Journal of Computer Information Systems. He currently serves as an editorial board member of two journals and an industry advisor.

Before his academic career, Hafihz spent 10 years working in the public and private sectors. He has co-authored 19 market research reports examining consumers and economies in Halal tourism. He has also developed the curriculum and courseware for an online academy. Dr Hafihz received his PhD with full scholarship from the University of Adelaide, his MSc from the University College Dublin and a BBA from the National University of Singapore. He is a Fellow (FCIM) and Chartered Marketer at the Chartered Institute of Marketing.