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Honours Program

Our Honours Program provides students with their first opportunity for original scientific research. Staff that are world experts in their chosen field and experienced in Honours supervision enable students to conduct research at the cutting-edge of their chosen discipline. Our Honours program is internationally recognized as being a world-class research degree. Students work closely with staff in a mentor relationship.

For students wishing to continue studies in Australia (and some other parts of the world), excelling in the Honours program allows them to apply for direct entry to a PhD program.

The Honours program has a duration of 9 months full-time (18 months part-time (50%) students). For more information about what is involved in doing Honours, please reach out to the coordinator in your research discipline.

Honours programs in our Science degrees can be completed in the following disciplines:

  • Aquaculture Science and Technology
  • Biomedical Sciences and Molecular Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Data Science
  • Earth Science
  • Ecology and Zoology
  • Environmental Science and Management
  • Geology
  • Marine Biology
  • Marine Science
  • Mathematical Science
  • Physics
  • Physical Sciences
  • Statistical Sciences

* Some disciplines allow for mid-year entry. Disciplines also vary in the campuses at which the program is offered and whether they involve Honours with 100% research, or 70% research with 30% coursework.  For more information, please see the Bsc Honours Handbook.

To be eligible for admission into an Honours program you need a good performance throughout your Bachelor degree (a grade point average or GPA at least equivalent to 5.5/7.0 is considered the minimum standard required).

Students with an overall GPA of lower than 5.5 will only be considered if they demonstrated very good improvement in their GPA in relevant second and third years subjects (i.e., GPA well above 5.5 for second and third year subjects).

Please note that the standard of academic performance required for admission to honours may be higher than average in some years, depending upon the level of competition for places in a particular research group. Also, bear in mind that your subject selection and its relevance to the proposed Honours work (as well as your GPA) may also be considered.

Once you have identified a supervisor (see ‘How to find a project’) you need to complete the below forms where your prospective supervisor also confirms support for your application and project proposal.

You may start Honours in either February or September. The application deadline for a February start is the first working Monday in December. The deadline for a September start is the first working Monday in July. Applications will be assessed as a cohort by the Honours committee.

If there is an urgent reason you need an early outcome, please highlight this in your application, including reasons why.

Domestic Student Application Form

International Student Application Form

Additional Information Form

Agreement by a staff member to supervise the research component of your Honours year is required in order to consider your application. This means that you need to contact staff members directly outlining your interests and academic history and asking if they will consider supervising your research project.

There are two main ways to find an Honours project.

  1. Browse the Honours projects that research staff are currently looking for Honours students for.
  2. Explore the list of academics working in your discipline (below) and click on individual researchers to see what their research interests are. Contact some of the academics that do interesting research to discuss doing an Honours project under their supervision (or one of your lecturers who talked about their research spiking your interest). You can either propose a research topic yourself or ask research staff for project ideas suitable for Honours. Talk to several academics before deciding on which project fits your interest best. Click on the below list of potential supervisors per discipline:

If you still have trouble identifying suitable researchers, talk to the coordinator of your discipline, they know the staff in their discipline well and can advise you further.

For further information please contact the CSE Office: