
Subject Study Modes

Information valid for students commencing in 2017.

Available Attendance Modes

Study Mode



Subjects offered via internal mode require regular attendance at classes over most weeks of a study period and are usually held on campus. Internal mode subjects offered during Semester 1 (Study Period 1) or Semester 2 (Study Period 2) are generally of 13 weeks duration.

Block Mode

Subjects offered via block mode require attendance at classes conducted via block teaching sessions and may be held on or off campus. For example: classes may be held from 9.00am - 5.00pm Saturday and Sunday for three consecutive weekends, or may be held three nights per week for, say, four weeks.

Limited Attendance

Subjects offered via limited attendance mode are offered via flexible delivery and require some on-campus attendance for classes. Flexible delivery may incorporate the delivery of teaching material wholly or in part via the Internet, print material or CD Rom. Some practicum subjects are also designated as limited attendance subjects.


Subjects offered via external mode are offered via flexible delivery and require no on-campus attendance for classes. Flexible delivery may incorporate the delivery of teaching material wholly or in part via the Internet, print material or CD Rom.

Placement/Work Experience

Subjects offered via placement mode require attendance at an external organisation for most of the duration of the subject for work experience/practicum/clinical placement under the professional supervision of that organisation. There is usually no on-campus attendance.