Research Ethics and Integrity

Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research guides institutions and researchers in responsible research practices. The Code promotes integrity in research for researchers and shows how to:

  • Manage breaches of the Code and allegations of research misconduct;

  • Manage research data and materials;

  • Publish and disseminate research findings, including proper attribution of authorship;

  • Conduct effective peer review; and

  • Manage conflicts of interest.

It also explains the responsibilities and rights of researchers if they witness research misconduct.

Visit the NHMRC website to .

The GRS encourages all researchers, including research higher degree candidates, to familiarise themselves with the ʯÁñÊÓƵ animal and human ethics and integrity policies, guidelines and procedures, if applicable to their field of research.

Research involving animals or humans must not commence without appropriate ethics approval.

Obtaining ethics approval can take longer than expected, so researchers should take into account ethics approval applications and processes in their proposed project timeline.

For further information about ʯÁñÊÓƵ ethics approval processes, visit the Research Services homepage.

is a well-recognised guideline that has been adopted nation-wide by many institutions as a practical guide to comply with the best standards of ethical research regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies.

As a ʯÁñÊÓƵ researcher, do you know your rights and responsibilities regarding conduct of research and the integrity of that research? The ʯÁñÊÓƵ Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research sets out obligations in respect of research integrity for all people engaged in research at the University, including staff, HDR candidates, postgraduate coursework and undergraduate students, and academic visitors. It describes the principles and practices for encouraging the responsible conduct of research, and provides a framework for resolving allegations of breaches of the Code and research misconduct, addressing the responsibilities of both the University and its researchers. Following enrolment in a research degree at ʯÁñÊÓƵ, HDR candidates should peruse the Code of Conduct and the Student Academic Misconduct policy documents.

As part of their Professional Development program, HDR candidates have the option of undertaking online modules as an alternative to attending the compulsory workshop ‘Research Integrity’ (see Research Skills Program for further information).