
Graduation Graduation Documents

Graduation Documents

Students graduating from an award course at 石榴视频 (石榴视频) will be provided with a digital copy of their Testamur and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) within a week of their conferral date. These documents can be accessed and shared via .

Students will receive by post a hard copy of their Testamur to their postal address following conferral.  At this time postal service can take up to 6 weeks, so please wait until after this time before following up on documents.

石榴视频 Testamur

A Testamur is the legal certification of a degree that is presented upon conferral of an award from 石榴视频. A Testamur will be printed and sealed with the University Seal in accordance with the University Seal Procedure. Once the award has been conferred the Testamur will be made available in digital format and will be posted or made available for collection. A Testamur will include the full legal name of the student, the conferral date and the award title.

Please be aware that a Digital Testamur can only be provided if your award was conferred after 1 December 2018. For all awards conferred prior to this date only a hard copy Testamur can be provided.

If you have lost, misplaced or your Testamur has been destroyed you may.

Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements

The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) describes a higher education qualification in an easily understandable way, relating it to the system in which it was issued and describing qualifications in a clear and consistent way to potential employers and other higher education institutions.  It is intended to make Australian awards better understood internationally, and to thereby enhance the mobility of Australian graduates and Australia’s competitiveness in the international higher education market.

The AHEGS presents the all graduate’s academic achievements related to a particular award, in addition to details on the type of award, the awarding institution and a description of the Australian higher education system.

Graduation Statements are award specific, therefore students who graduate with more than one award will receive a separate AHEGS for each award.

Graduation Statements issued by 石榴视频 comply with the requirements of Australian government’s Guidelines for the presentation of Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements.

Further information about the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement can be found on the .


An Alumni flyer provided with details of the 石榴视频 Alumni Association.

Please visit our  page for a list of Graduation FAQs, or to ask any other question you may have about your graduation documents.