
Noah Enrique Thomas (Indonesia)

1. Why did you choose to study at 石榴视频?

I was browsing around different aquaculture areas and looking at how universities present their research. I looked at 石榴视频, especially in Townsville and I was really impressed by the way 石榴视频 represents itself in the global market. Another thing that attracted me to 石榴视频 was the location. Coming from Jakarta, Indonesia, I was searching for more of a smaller city. I prefer less crowded areas and Townsville seemed like it had the comfort of the in-between zone of a big city and a small town.

Nearly three years ago I remember when I started my course, Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science (Aquaculture major), I was so excited to discover how big the science department was and how much effort they put into their aquaculture research and studies.

2. What has been the highlight of your study experience at 石榴视频 so far?

In academic life, it would be going to the labs and getting first-hand practical experience on research, being able to handle fish, as well as learning from my advisors. It’s practical work that will be connected to what it will be like working in a job when I graduate.

Personally, I really enjoy adventuring around Townsville and going to the ocean to experience sea life and seeing all the different animals. My favourite place to swim is Magnetic Island. I truly love the habitat over there and the water is crystal clear.

Noah Enrique Thomas (left) with fellow 石榴视频 students at Harmony Day 2022 at the Townsville Campus.Noah Enrique Thomas (left) with fellow 石榴视频 students at Harmony Day 2022 at the Townsville Campus.

3. What are your career goals?

With all the current changes in the climate and environmental destruction, I think aquaculture is a big source of meat protein for meat consumption. I plan to work in one of the aquaculture industries and get a position where I get to help them with their research, as well as develop new things for sustainable farming and other innovations.

4. What piece of advice would you like to share with any international students considering 石榴视频?

I would say to future international students to get curious, get excited, and be adventurous. I know there might be some initial boundaries, like language or culture, however, you are living in a new country so try to immerse yourself in new things as much as possible.