
Library Experience Survey

2021 Survey Results and Outcomes

What is the Library Experience Survey?

This survey is your chance to tell us what you want from your Library.

The Library has been running the survey since 2000. It is coordinated by Insync, a behavioural research group that has been analysing the performances of Australian University Libraries for many years.

The custom-designed questionnaire investigates student and staff levels of satisfaction with facilities and equipment, service quality and delivery, and the performance of library staff.

The survey allows us to benchmark our performance against other Australian and New Zealand university libraries.

Your honest feedback allows us to identify areas or services that need improvement. We run the survey every two years so we can confidently say we are addressing needs and concerns and building a better Library.

The last survey was in August/September 2021.

What were the  2021 Survey Results and Outcomes?

More than 1,500 students and staff responded to the survey. We asked about your research behaviours and how you seek information. Respondents told us about their preferences, and it is encouraging to note that overall 77% research a topic by looking first for items in One Search (our discovery layer). This was followed by using Google or another search engine to find relevant resources.

The survey results help Library and Information Services staff identify what services and resources are most important to clients, how we are performing in the delivery of these services and resources, and to identify priority areas for improvement. The library recorded an overall score of 82.5% (an improvement on 2018) which places us in the top 25% of participants in the benchmark participant group.

What is most important?

The top 10 areas of highest importance to Library clients are:

  1. Access to wireless
  2. Online resources
  3. Off-campus access to resources and services
  4. One Search finding relevant resources quickly
  5. Finding a quiet place in the Library to study
  6. Online items being available when needed
  7. Getting help from library staff when it's needed
  8. Access to course-specific resources
  9. Getting accurate answers to questions
  10. The library being a good place to study

What do you think we do best?

You told us that our top ten areas of performance are:

  1. Wireless access
  2. Off campus access to library resources and services
  3. Library staff providing help  when it's needed
  4. Providing accurate answers
  5. Responding quickly to enquires
  6. Providing information resources
  7. Face to face services
  8. Access to information resources relevant to studies and research
  9. Online enquiry services (like chat)
  10. Computers available when you need them

What has improved since the last survey?

The actions taken in response to the 2018 survey have pleasingly resulted in improved scores in 2021. We have reduced the gap between importance and performance for:

  • Finding a quiet place to study
  • Items I'm looking for are available online
  • Laptop facilities
  • Ease of navigation of our web site
  • Finding places for group work
  • Readings and textbooks meeting learning needs
  • One Search finding resources quickly
  • Online resource usefulness for study
  • The library being a good place to study

Identified areas for improvement

The good news is that there are no significant gaps between importance and performance. All the gaps identified in the 2018 survey have decreased. However, in the 2021 survey the top 10 gaps are:

1. Finding a quiet place to study in the Library

  • 7.5% improvement over 2018 but remains the top issue in the gap analysis.

2. Library web site navigation

  • 7% improvement, but has moved up to second in gap ranking

3. Places for group work in the Library

  • 10% improvement but remains third in the gap ranking

4. Readings  and  textbook access meeting  study needs

  • 9% improvement but moves up from fifth to fourth

5. Online availability of resources

  • 20% improvement moves down from second to fifth

6. One Search

  • 11% improvement but moves up to sixth from eighth

7. Usefulness of online resources

  • 15% improvement but moves up to 7th from 9th

8. Access to key library resources through Learn 石榴视频

  • First time this question has been asked

9. Laptop facilities

  • 42% improvement has moved this to ninth down from third

10. Library is a good place to study

  • 24% improvement and remains at tenth in the gap ranking

Library Client Comments

We received 1,563 comments, approximately 70% from undergraduate students. The comments have been analysed and grouped into themes. Below are the top 5 themes by campus.



Study environment (noise levels, ambience) (unfavourable feedback)


Operating hours (unfavourable feedback)


Overall satisfaction (favourable feedback)


Laptop facilities (power, loans) (unfavourable feedback)


Desks and seating (unfavourable feedback)




Overall satisfaction (favourable feedback)


Staff, customer service (favourable feedback)


Operating hours (unfavourable feedback)


Group study facilities (rooms, booking) (unfavourable feedback)


Study environment (noise levels, ambience) (unfavourable feedback)


Digital resources (e-journals, e-books, full-text) (unfavourable feedback)




Course and subject specific resources (unfavourable feedback)


Digital resources (e-journals, e-books, full-text) (unfavourable feedback)


Staff, customer service (favourable feedback)


Desks and seating (unfavourable feedback)


Behaviours (eating, drinking, sleeping) (unfavourable feedback) 2


Study environment (noise levels, ambience) (unfavourable feedback)


Overall satisfaction (favourable feedback)


Physical collection (books, journals, newspapers) (unfavourable feedback) 2



Overall satisfaction (favourable feedback)


Staff, customer service (favourable feedback)


Study environment (noise levels, ambience) (unfavourable feedback)


Digital resources (e-journals, e-books, full-text) (unfavourable feedback)


Operating hours (unfavourable feedback)


Only access Library services online89
Digital resources (e-journals, e-books, full-text) (unfavourable feedback) 28
Course and subject specific resources (unfavourable feedback) 17
Overall satisfaction (favourable feedback) 8
Online and phone support (unfavourable feedback) 8
Digital resources (e-journals, e-books, full-text) (favourable feedback) 7
Staff, customer service (favourable feedback) 7
Communication and consultation (unfavourable feedback) 7

Research Behaviours

We asked you about your research behaviours and how you seek information. These results are available by type of client (undergraduate, postgraduate, staff, etc.), domestic and international student, College, campus, library and will assist Library and Information Services staff to refine our services. 1542 people told us about their preferences. It is encouraging to note that overall:

  • 77% research a topic by looking for items in One Search, unchanged from 2018. This was followed by 63% using Google or another search engine to find relevant resources, down from 71%.
  • 56% prefer to ask Library staff for help in person, down from 73%, the preference for Chat was 48% of respondents up from 31%
  • 72% are most frustrated when journal articles are not available in full-text from the Library, down slightly from 74%
  • 42% want to learn more Database Search Tips, unchanged but now equal with Accessing Databases, eJournals and eBooks, with EndNote (41%) a close third as the area of most interest
  • 57% prefer to learn about Library services through our web site, a drop from 60% with email second at 55%, down from 58%. Learn石榴视频 was preferred by 54% (the first time it has been listed as an option)

Action Plan for the 2021 Library Client Survey Results

Cairns Campus and Eddie Koiki Mabo (Townsville) Libraries

You said

We did/Are doing

Quiet places to study in the Library

  • Reconfiguring spaces on 1st & 2nd floors of the Mabo library to   promote quiet silent study
  • Library mapping tool to emphasize Library Zones:
    • Collaboration Zone - Ground Floor
    • Quiet Zone - First Floor
    • Silent Zone - Second Floor

Improve Library web site navigation

  • More use of accordion pages to reduce cognitive load and scrolling
  • Grouped services by type of user (student, researcher, academic)
  • Tighter integration between FAQs, Library Guides and web site
  • Reduction in the number of pages on the site and depth of site
  • Ongoing quality assurance commitment to improve currency of information and usability of content

More places for group work in the Library

  • We are reviewing and assessing options to increase spaces where students   can work collaboratively, including rooms with soundproofing.

Readings and textbook access meeting study needs

  • We have launched the 石榴视频 Open eBooks project to promote the creation and adoption of open access textbooks

Improve online availability of resources

  • Quality assurance built into eResource activation
  • Investigating cloud-based hosting of remote access
  • More platforms moving to institutional logins rather than IP restrictions
  • Deployment of RapidILL

One Search

  • Continue working on developing the new library services platform
  • Add content from Library Guides
  • Implement the Resource Recommender
  • Add content from Readings

Usefulness of online resources

  • Adopting a ‘big data’ approach to eResource package effectiveness to maximise the ROI of the Library Materials Budget (made possible by the new Library Services Platform)

Access to key library resources through Learn 石榴视频

  • Review survey comments to determine the issues.

Laptop facilities

  • We are reviewing and assessing   options to increase the number of desks with power outlets for charging   laptops and other devices.

Library is a good place to study

  • Review and  scrutinise common issues raised on the   Survey comments.