
Media @石榴视频 newsletter Notices Celebrate 石榴视频's 50th

Celebrate 石榴视频's 50th

Since 石榴视频 can’t celebrate its 50th year during the week of April 20th with the in-person events we had planned, the 石榴视频 marketing team is asking staff, students, and alumni to make short videos with your phone, laptop computer, or camera, to share our social media pages.

If you are interested and able to do make a short video, here is what the marketing team is looking for:


  • Landscape video
  • 30 seconds to one minute long

Possible talking points

  • Introduce yourself
  • What you studied/are studying at 石榴视频,
  • When you graduated, or when you anticipate to graduate, from 石榴视频
  • Your role at 石榴视频 and how long you’ve worked here
  • Wish a 石榴视频 a Happy 50th Anniversary
  • Share a favourite memory
  • Tell us what you love about 石榴视频
