
Featured News Indigenous students celebrated at awards

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Thu, 30 Sep 2021

Indigenous students celebrated at awards

Roderick Mabo alt text
Nguma-bada Spirit Award recipient, Roderick Mabo (right) with Indigenous Education Research Centre Student Support Advisor Eddie Savage.

The outstanding academic and personal achievements of 石榴视频’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have been recognised during a major awards ceremony.

26 students were honoured at the fifth annual Indigenous Student Awards ceremony in Townsville last night, as they continue to excel in their tertiary studies.

石榴视频 Pro Vice Chancellor of Indigenous Education and Strategy, Professor Martin Nakata, said the awards reflect the students’ hard work over the course of a busy year.

“Every year, we are impressed with the calibre of students who receive these awards,” Prof Nakata said.

“The awards represent more than just an individual’s achievement. They also serve as a reminder of the journey they’ve been on to reach such a high level of success - from the support they’ve received from family and friends to the high level of academic and pastoral care provided by the staff at 石榴视频’s Indigenous Education and Research Centre and from across the University.

“This is what the learning experience at 石榴视频 is all about.”

Education, Arts, Social Sciences and Social Work, Law and Governance, Business and Commerce, Engineering, Information Technology, Science, Allied Health, Nursing and Midwifery, Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy and Veterinary and Medical Sciences were among the award categories.

They were in addition to students recognised by the Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health, CSIRO STEM, the Diploma of Higher Education course, and “Spirit” awards for the Nguma-bada (Smithfield) and Bebegu Yumba (Douglas) campuses.

Prof Nakata paid tribute to the families, wider community and industry supporters in attendance at the awards.

“It is an enormously proud moment for these students to accept such an award in front of their peers and supporters and I have no doubt their success will inspire others to not just continue their studies, but pursue academic excellence,” he said.

2021 Indigenous Student Award Recipients


* Peter Prince

*Shae-Kia Carroll

Arts, Social Sciences and Social Work

* Brodie Kuhn

* Jade Croft

Law & Governance

* Razmie-Jane Collyer

* Matthew Bonato

Business & Commerce

* Charlie Dooley


* Kyle McDonald

Information Technology

* Mitchell Marks

* Aubiene Thompson


* Chantelle Blackwell

Diploma of Higher Education

* Kane Jenner

* Kelly Barrett

Allied Health

* Mani Gregson

* Joanne Clarke

Nursing and Midwifery

* Trent Lane

* Fenella Hartley

Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy

* Sarah Barton

* Isaac Lange

Veterinary and Medical Sciences

* Ashleigh Hazle

Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health

* Jenna Grieve


* Jennifer Gulson

* Thomas Wallis

* Tristan Gibbs

Nguma-bada Spirit Award

* Roderick Mabo

Bebegu Yumba Spirit Award

* Cody Stitt


Media enquiries: michael.serenc@jcu.edu.au