
Policy Academic Governance Student Evaluation of Subjects and Teaching Procedure

Student Evaluation of Subjects and Teaching Procedure


This procedure supports the Student Evaluation of Subjects and Teaching Policy by outlining administrative processes relating to the collection and use of the Your石榴视频 suite of surveys data.


This procedure applies to 石榴视频 staff as identified in the Your石榴视频 Survey Distribution List.


The definitions used in this procedure are found in the Student Evaluation of Subjects and Teaching Policy or the Policy Glossary.


1. Prior to the commencement of each study period

1.1 Academic Heads, Associate Deans of Learning and Teaching (ADLTs) and Deans of Colleges must ensure ORGU Roles are accurate and current in Staff Online.

1.2 Course Coordinators must ensure their details are listed correctly in the Academic Delegations Register.

1.3 Teaching staff in the roles of Subject Coordinator, Lecturer or Tutor must ensure their details for each subject offering are accurate and current in the Teaching Roles Data Base (TRDB). Requests to amend this data should be directed to the TRDB Administrator with the relevant College/academic unit.

1.4 Teaching staff who are Subject Coordinators and wish to opt in for the Your石榴视频 Teaching survey, must be listed as both Subject Coordinator and Lecturer in the TRDB.

2. Before Your石榴视频 Surveys are deployed (see Your石榴视频 Survey Calendar for relevant dates)

2.1 At the beginning of the study period and leading up to the deployment of Your石榴视频 on the PULSE, Academic staff must inform students of the formative purpose of the Your石榴视频 on the PULSE survey and undertake to respond in accordance with this procedure.

2.2 When the opt-in and personalisation period for Your石榴视频 Subject and Teaching Surveys opens:

2.2.1 Subject Coordinators will be invited to add up to two (2) questions to the Your石榴视频 Subject Survey from the Your石榴视频 Subject Survey Question Library.

2.2.2 Lecturers will be invited to opt in to Your石榴视频 Teaching Surveys.Lecturers must opt themselves in and may add up to two (2) questions to the Your石榴视频 Teaching Survey from the Your石榴视频 Teaching Survey Question Library.

2.2.3 Tutors and casual teaching staff (sessional academics) intending to receive feedback from students on their teaching must approach their Subject Coordinator to request a casual staff teaching survey be facilitated.

2.2.4 Tutors and casual teaching staff survey requests, along with required information, must be provided by Subject Coordinators to the Quality Assurance and Evaluation Team prior to the close of the personalisation and opt-in period.

3. During the recruitment period for the Your石榴视频 survey suite

3.1 During class in the first week of any Your石榴视频 Survey recruitment period, academic staff must present students with the relevant Your石榴视频 Survey promotional presentation (PowerPoint file available from Your石榴视频 Surveys webpage).

4. After the Your石榴视频 surveys have been deployed

4.1 After Your石榴视频 on the PULSE Survey results are made available, teaching staff must respond to student feedback within five (5) university working days of results becoming available. Responses must be made either during teaching activities or an announcement via the Learning Management System.

4.2 After Your石榴视频 Survey results have been released, and prior to next subject offering:

4.2.1 Subject Coordinators and teaching staff must review all available Your石榴视频 Survey data to enhance the quality of learning and teaching (refer Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy 2.4); and

4.2.2 Subject Coordinators must inform students of the changes made to learning, teaching and assessment design via the subject outline. (As per the Subject Outline Procedure, Subject Outlines must be published to the LMS at least five (5) university working days prior to the commencement of the study period).

4.3 Qualitative responses will be electronically reviewed for breaches of the 石榴视频 Student Code of Conduct prior to the release of results reports. Breaches of the 石榴视频 Student Code of Conduct will be dealt with as per policy.

Related policy instruments

Student Evaluation of Subjects and Teaching Policy

Student Evaluation of Subjects and Teaching Distribution List

Academic Delegations Contact Lists

Your石榴视频 Surveys site



NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Learning and Teaching

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



23-112/05/202315/05/2023Clause 2.2.4 amended from Teaching Evaluation Team to Quality Assurance and Evaluation team. Contact person updated from Dean, LTSE to Manager, Quality Assurance and Evaluation.Manager, Divisional Administration




New procedure - revised disestablished procedure (Student Experience of Learning and Teaching Procedure) to align with approved Student Evaluation of Subjects and Teaching Policy

Dean, Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement


Student Evaluation, Your石榴视频 Surveys, learning, teaching, feedback, quality enhancement

Contact person

Manager, Quality Assurance and Evaluation