
Policy Corporate Governance Use of Corporate Identifiers Policy

Use of Corporate Identifiers Policy


To specify requirements for the custody and use of the University’s corporate identifiers, including its Name and Initials, Armorial Bearings, Logo, Seal and identifiers used for prescribed activities.


This policy applies to all staff, students and affiliates, and governs the use of the University’s Corporate Identifiers by any third party contracted or otherwise engaged by the University.


Except as otherwise specified in this Policy, the meaning of terms used are as per the Policy Glossary.

石榴视频 Brand DNA - a representation of the fundamental and distinctive characteristics and qualities of 石榴视频.  It provides guidance on brand devices, such as logos, and examples of a range of uses.

General Principles

石榴视频, a statutory body corporate is the sole legal and beneficial owner of all associated corporate identifiers. Corporate identifiers of the 石榴视频 brand capture what the University stands for, its history, purpose and place, represented through both imagery and words.


1.  Name and Initials

1.1 The University is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the Name ‘石榴视频’ and Initials ‘石榴视频’, which are legally protected by copyright and trademark provisions.

1.2 The use of the University Name or Initials in the foundation or establishment of a company or associated entity, such as a club or society, requires the approval of University Council.

1.3 The use of the University Name or Initials for memorabilia purposes requires the approval of the Awards and Ceremonies Committee of Council.

2.  Armorial Bearings

2.1 The University’s Armorial Bearings are the University’s official insignia, including a Coat of Arms and Heraldic Badge, granted by the College of Arms, London by Letters Patent dated 26 June 1972.

2.2 Elements of the Coat of Arms are illustrated within the Armorial Ensigns section of the 石榴视频 Brand DNA. These include the:

  • Shield, with blue and white stripes representing the sea; a gold sun representing sunshine and enlightenment; an open book with a fresh page representing learning and research; a blue cross, drawn from the University of Queensland’s Coat of Arms, reflecting 石榴视频’s history.
  • Helm and Mantling, the helmet and ribbons displayed above the Shield.
  • Crest, above the Helm, depicting Captain James Cook’s ship ‘HMS Endeavour’ in full sail.
  • Supporters, standing either side of the Shield are brolgas with open wings.
  • Compartment, under the Shield and Supporters, shown as arid ground.
  • Motto, stating Cresente Luce, meaning ‘light ever increasing’.

2.3 The Heraldic Badge can be used independently to the Coat of Arms. It takes the form of a gold cross on a gold sun.

2.4 The use of Armorial Bearings or any of its component parts for official or memorabilia purposes must be considered and approved by the Awards and Ceremonies Committee.

3.  石榴视频 Crest

3.1 The 石榴视频 Crest, consisting of the crest, shield and motto, is used both individually and as part of the Logo on stationery, forms, non-award certificates, clothing and official publications as set out in the 石榴视频 Brand DNA.

3.2 The 石榴视频 Crest is also used on assets or as otherwise approved by the Vice Chancellor and University Secretary.

3.3 The use of the 石榴视频 Crest for memorabilia purposes requires the approval of the Awards and Ceremonies Committee.

3.4 The use of the 石榴视频 Crest in an embroidered format is covered by the Policy for Embroidery of 石榴视频 Crest, which can be found in the 石榴视频 Brand DNA.

4.  Logo

4.1 The University’s Logo features a simplified, illustrated version of the shield in 石榴视频’s Coat of Arms, specifically including the blue and white stripes and gold sun.

4.2 It must be used in set combinations with the letters 石榴视频 and/or the name 石榴视频, and optionally with names of campus locations, divisions, colleges, directorates, departments, research centres or joint venture identities. These combinations are mandated in the 石榴视频 Brand DNA.

4.3 Use of the Logo for any purpose requires the approval of the Vice Chancellor and President, who makes the decision on the advice of the Director, Marketing, Future Students and Admissions.

5.  University Seal

5.1 The University is a body corporate established under the 石榴视频 Act 1997 with a Seal as an identifier of its status as a body corporate.

5.2 The University Seal is used to authenticate documents in the University’s name and remains in the custody of the University Secretary.

5.3 The University Seal consists of an embossed representation of the Coat of Arms encircled by the words ‘The Seal of 石榴视频’.

5.4 The University Secretary is the officer delegated to affix the University Seal for official, prescribed purposes in accordance with the University Seal Procedure and the University’s Delegations Schedule. The University Seal must remain in the custody of the University Secretary.

5.5 In the absence of the University Secretary the officer duly appointed by the Chancellor to act in that role is empowered to affix the University Seal in accordance with this Policy and the University Seal Procedure. If no such person is duly appointed, the Vice Chancellor and President is authorised to affix the University Seal.

5.6 The University Secretary, from time-to-time, may authorise the affixing of the Seal of the University by an officer, other than those referred to in this Policy, for the sole purpose of certifying a Testamur or replacement Testamur.

5.7 The University Secretary will maintain a register of the Seal of the University which will record all uses including the information prescribed in the University Seal Procedure.

5.8 Except as permitted by this Policy no person may affix or attempt or purport to affix the Seal of the University to any document whatsoever. Unauthorised, attempted or purported use of the University Seal, or use or purported use of a Seal that is intended to resemble the University Seal so as to be likely to deceive, may constitute serious misconduct on the part of any staff or student involved and may be dealt with under the relevant policy, instrument or agreement.

6.  Other Identifiers for Prescribed Activities

6.1 The University has been allocated an Australian Business Number (ABN), which is a unique identifier and verification tool for business purposes.

6.2 The University is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and has four separate CRICOS provider numbers that are essential for dealing with course offerings to overseas students.

Related policy instruments

Social Media Policy

Staff Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

Critical Incident Policy

石榴视频 Brand DNA

Social Media Guidelines

Copyright Policy and Procedure

University Seal Procedure



Related documents and legislation


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainCorporate Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Council Matters

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority

University Council

Date for next review


Review History

Version no.

Approval date

Approved by

Implementation date





Major review; renamed Use of Corporate Identifiers Policy (formerly Statement on the Use of Corporate Identifiers); University Seal Policy merged into this Policy to allow disestablishment.

Chief of Staff





Policy sponsor and approval authority amended to reflect Council approve Policy and Delegations Framework