
Policy Policy Library Updates Updates to policies and procedures

Updates to policies and procedures

Amendments to Policies and Procedures 1 April 2024 - 1 July 2024

Policy / Procedure Policy DomainPolicy Custodian Effective DateSummary
Finalisation and Publication of Student Results ProcedureStudent ExperienceDVC Education19/06/2024Updated record keeping requirements, and clarified delegations and responsibilities.
Code for the Responsible Conduct of ResearchResearch ManagementDVC Research19/06/2024Major review - no amendments.
General Practice Training Governance PolicyCorporate GovernanceVice Chancellor10/06/2024GP Training Program policies and procedures disestablished following cessation of delivery of the GP Training Program by 石榴视频.
Enrolment Requirements for International Student Visa-Holders PolicyAcademic GovernanceDVC Services and Resources31/05/2024Policy disestablished and relevant content incorporated into v24-1 of Coursework Enrolment Procedure.
Coursework Enrolment ProcedureAcademic GovernanceDVC Education31/05/2024Review to incorporate legislative changes and information for international students to enable the disestablishment of the Enrolment Requirements for International Student Visa-Holders Policy.
FMPM 711 - Procurement ProcedureUniversity ManagementVice Chancellor21/05/2024Administrative amendments to update template titles for FMPM711.12 and FMPM711.25.
Unsatisfactory Academic Performance ProcedureAcademic GovernanceDVC Education21/05/2024Administrative amendment to correct error in clause 5.1, which referenced clause 5.3 as an exception – this became clause 5.2 following last review.
HDR Conferral ProcedureAcademic GovernanceDVC Research3/05/2024Clause 1(b) updated from 50-words to 25-words.
Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal ProcedureAcademic GovernanceDVC Education2/05/2024Formal approval of amendments which were interim-approved by the Vice Chancellor granted by Academic Board.
Student Review and Appeals PolicyAcademic GovernanceDVC Education2/05/2024Formal approval of amendments which were interim-approved by the Vice Chancellor granted by Academic Board.
Awards Titling ProcedureAcademic GovernanceDVC Education1/05/2024Procedure disestablished and content moved to Appendix 1 Award Documents and Award Titling (sits under Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy).
Posthumous Awards ProcedureAcademic GovernanceDVC Education1/05/2024Major review - relocation of rules to policy.
Recognition of Academic Excellence ProcedureAcademic GovernanceDVC Education1/05/2024Major review - relocation of rules to policy.
Coursework Award Finalisation, Conferral and Issuance ProcedureAcademic GovernanceDVC Education1/05/2024Major review - relocation of rules to policy.
Award Finalisation and Graduation PolicyAcademic GovernanceDVC Education1/05/2024Major review.
Awards Titling ProcedureStudent MattersDVC Education01/05/2024Procedure disestablished and content moved to Appendix 1 Award Documents and Award Titling
Posthumous Awards ProcedureStudent MattersDVC Education01/05/2024Major review - relocation of rules to policy.
Recognition of Academic Excellence ProcedureLearning and TeachingDVC Education01/05/2024Major review - relocation of rules to policy.
Coursework Award Finalisation, Conferral and Issuance ProcedureStudent MattersDVC Education01/05/2024Major review - relocation of rules to policy.
Award Finalisation and Graduation PolicyStudent MattersDVC Education01/05/2024Major review.
Institutes and Centres ProcedureResearch ManagementDVC Research30/04/2024Procedure established as part of major review of the 石榴视频 Research Institutes and Centres Policy.
Institutes and Centres PolicyResearch ManagementDVC Research30/04/2024Major review, including development of Institutes and Centres Procedure. Formerly titled 石榴视频 Research Centres and Institutes Policy.
Support for Students PolicyStudent MattersDVC Education30/04/2024Policy formally approved by Academic Board following interim approval by VC. Minor amendments made.
HDR Scholarship Scoring ProcedureResearch EducationDVC Research29/04/2024Major review, including introduction of Appendix 1 HDR Scholarship Applicant Assessment Framework.
Emergency Management PlanWork Health and SafetyDVC Services and Resources24/04/2024Major review – minor amendments to support roles/name changes. Campus names updated to include indigenous names.
WHS-PRO-007 Health Engagement ProcedureWork Health and SafetyDVC Services and Resources24/04/2024Procedure disestablished.
WHS-PRO-002 WHS Risk Management ProcedureWork Health and SafetyDVC Services and Resources24/04/2024Administrative amendment to update appendices titles following disestablishment of WHS-PRO-007.
Planning and Performance FrameworkCorporate GovernanceVice Chancellor22/04/2024Revision of framework to encompass a more streamlined dynamic planning process.
Professional Experience Placement Requirements ProcedureStudent MattersDVC Education05/04/2024Minor amendment to role titles and task alignment resulting from the Professional Services Change (PSC) in 2023, and documenting 石榴视频S inclusion in process.