
Policy University Management WHS-PRO-015 Field Trip Procedure

WHS-PRO-015 Field Trip Procedure

Table of Contents

 Intent 2.1.1

Field Trip Risk Assessment

 Scope 2.1.2

High Risk Activity Risk Assessment

 Definitions 2.1.3

Field Trips Managed by Other Organisations / Universities

1 Duty, Obligations and Responsibilities 2.2


1.1 石榴视频 2.3


1.2 Directors / Deans 2.4


1.3 Field Trip Approver 2.5

Children on field trips

1.4 Field Trip Leader 3


1.5 WHS Unit 4

Incident Management


Field Trip Participants (Staff, Students, Affiliates, Visitors (including family members))


Communication Person




Risk Management



To document and communicate 石榴视频’s (石榴视频) minimum work health and safety requirements for field trips within Australia and overseas and provide a framework for responsible officers and participants to meet their obligations.


This procedure applies to all staff, students (including higher degree by research candidates), affiliates of 石榴视频 and other persons undertaking a field trip that is managed and controlled by 石榴视频.

This procedure excludes placement activities undertaken as part of a formal program of study.





Is a person (other than a Staff member or Student, including Higher Degree by Research Candidates) who is affiliated with 石榴视频 by letter of appointment or invitation to work, research or study at the University for a particular activity and typically for a prescribed timeframe and who is bound to comply with the University’s policies during that period (e.g. visiting scholars, adjuncts and volunteers).


Assistance includes rescue, medical assistance and the attendance of emergency service workers.

Boating and Diving Register

An electronic system that is used for the management of diving and boating operations at 石榴视频

Communications Person

Must be a 石榴视频 staff member who has knowledge of the field trip, is not a participant on the field trip and who is contactable in the event of an emergency and for the scheduled call ins.

Communication Plan

A plan detailing who is involved in communication, frequency of contact and communication channel.  The Field Trip Leader is responsible for developing and implementing the communication plan.

Field site

A workplace where personnel engage in 石榴视频 approved field trip activities

Field trip and field trip activities

Any approved work / activity for the purpose of work, study or research that is conducted by 石榴视频 staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students and volunteers at various field sites which are off-campus.  This includes urban, rural, terrestrial, freshwater marine or remote locations.

In the context of this Procedure, a field trip does not include:

  • Inter-campus travel (Townsville, Cairns, Singapore)
  • Urban office locations
  • Off campus meetings
  • Attending conferences
  • Visits to an urban area where the participants are considered to be an audience
  • Location reconnaissance in an urban area
  • Travel within an urban area
  • Travel to and work at 石榴视频 managed research stations using the research stations safe system   of work.

Field Trip Approver

The person with the overall authority to approve the field trip and the field trip activities.

The Field Trip Approver will be the Director or Dean or a person authorised by the Director or Dean.

Field Trip Management System

In relation to this procedure, field trip management system refers to the RiskWare Field Trip Module.

Field Trip Leader

The person authorised by the Director / Dean to lead the field trip, and who is responsible for the health and safety for all participants for the duration of the field trip.


In relation to a field trip, a participant means any staff member, student, visitor (including family members) or affiliate approved by the Head / Director to actively participate in the field trip.


In relation to a field trip, this means a location where activities are performed over the duration of the field trip that is isolated from the assistance of other persons because of location, time or the nature of the field trip.

A location may be considered remote if assistance cannot be provided within half an hour in an emergency situation.

A remote field trip is considered a high risk activity.

1 Duty, Obligations and Responsibilities

1.1 石榴视频

The off-campus location where work is conducted is recognised as a workplace under the work health and safety law.

Accordingly, 石榴视频 as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) is required to ensure that a suitable system is in place to enable the safe conduct of field trips.

1.2 Directors / Deans

The Director / Dean has a responsibility to ensure the requirements of this Field Trip Procedure and any other requirements prescribed by the 石榴视频 Health and Safety Management System are implemented within their area of responsibility in relation to Field Trips.

The Director / Dean is responsible for reviewing and approving high-risk field trips that have been escalated to them by the Field Trip Leader / Approver.  The Director / Dean has the authority to withdraw approval if the risks change between approval and departure or performing specific field trip activity.

1.3 Field Trip Approver

The Field Trip Approver must:

  • Approve field trips as part of the role of a supervisor of 石榴视频 staff / students;
  • Review field trip risk assessments to ensure all hazards and risks have been identified and the controls are reasonably practicable;
  • Seek subject matter expert advice if the hazards, risks or controls are not well understood;
  • Communicate directly with the field trip leader if information is incomplete, hazards are not identified or risks not adequately controlled;
  • Ensure the Field Trip Leader is competent to manage the field trip;
  • Ensure all field trip participants are adequately trained to safely perform the work;
  • Have undertaken the required risk management training in order to perform the role of Field Trip Approver;
  • Sign off on field trip documentation, after it has been completed by the Field Trip Leader and prior to commencement of the field trip;
  • Ensure field trips are recorded in the 石榴视频 field trip management system; and
  • Escalate the field trips with risk assessments residual risk rating of high to the relevant Dean / Director for additional approval.
  • The Field Trip Approver has the authority to withdraw approval if the risks change during the period between approval and departure or performing specific field trip activity.

1.4 Field Trip Leader

The Field Trip Leader is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that any WHS hazards and risks associated with the field trip are identified and control measures implemented to eliminate or minimise the hazards and risks so far as is reasonably practicable;.
  • Authorising cancellations, postponement or modification to the planned schedule at any time during the field trip;
  • Ensuring that any changes to an approved field trip (including but not limited to changes to activities, personnel, location, dates, etc.)  are reassessed (additional risk assessment / update current risk assessment) and the field trip approver advised of the changes;
  • Consulting with the communications person in the development of the communication plan;
  • Ensuring the communication person is aware of the status of the trip (i.e. left for / returned from field trip);
  • Identifying field trip specific training and competency requirements for participants as part of the field trip planning process;
  • Ensuring all field trip participants have received a pre-trip safety briefing;
  • Ensuring all field trip participants have adequate skills and competencies to perform the activities expected during that field trip;
  • Requesting field trip participants disclose any individual fitness to work concerns that may impact on their own or others safety during the trip and work with the participants to identify suitable control measures and emergency responses to suit their individual concerns;
  • Monitoring the working environment to ensure acceptable standards of conduct (as required by 石榴视频 Staff and Student Codes of Conduct).  This includes not creating an environment which may increase the risk of bullying, sexual harassment and sexual assault (e.g. safe consumption of alcohol where allowable);
  • Modelling appropriate behaviours;
  • Treating all reports or complaints on matters affecting the health and safety of participants seriously and taking immediate action to resolve or escalate the matter;
  • Being aware of and using the University’s incident management, notification and reporting requirements;
  • Advising all participants to review 石榴视频 insurance coverage to enable them to make an informed decision on any additional insurance requirements;
  • Completing an Authorisation of a Volunteer (for insurance purposes) form for each volunteer participant;
  • Logging all boating and diving field trips in the Boating and Diving Register prior to the trip; and
  • Booking third party travel in accordance with 石榴视频 Financial Management Practice Manual.

1.5 Work Health and Safety (WHS) Unit

The WHS Unit is responsible for:

  • Developing, delivering instruction and providing assistance on the Field Trip Management System to Field Trip Leaders and Approvers;
  • Administering the Field Trip Management System; and
  • Providing assistance and guidance for managing field trip related WHS risks.

1.6 Field Trip Participants (Staff, Students, Affiliates, Visitors (including family members))

Each field trip participant has a duty under work health and safety legislation to ensure that his or her work environment complies with the legislation.

Field Trip Participants are required to:

  • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety;
  • Take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons;
  • Follow reasonable instructions from the Field Trip Leader;
  • Immediately report any hazard or incident to the Field Trip Leader;
  • Follow 石榴视频’s Staff or Student Code of Conduct as applicable at all times throughout the field trip including after work activities / during leisure time;
  • Follow all University policies and procedures; and
  • Make themselves aware of the 石榴视频 insurance cover to aid in making an informed decision on any extra insurance requirements for the trip duration.

1.7 Communication Person

The Communication Person is responsible for:

  • Monitoring the communication plan in accordance with the Field Trip Leader’s instructions, following notification from the Field Trip Leader that the field trip has commenced; and
  • Carrying out the ‘no response’ plan if contact with the field trip team is unable to be made.

2 Requirements

2.1 Risk Management

The purpose of the field trip, together with a summary of its associated activities and expected outcomes, must be clearly established at the planning stage.  This will provide context for the Field Trip Approver to decide on the acceptable level of risk.

If, prior to, or over the duration of the field trip, circumstances change, the Field Trip Leader must review the existing approved risk assessments and revise as necessary to ensure adequate control measures remain in place.  New or modified risk assessments must be documented.

All risk assessments must be completed in accordance with the 石榴视频 WHS-PRO-002 WHS Risk Management Procedure.

2.1.1 Field Trip Risk Assessment

All field trips must undergo a mandatory risk assessment at the planning stage of the field trip.

This overarching risk assessment must cover the following as a minimum:

  • Threat analysis (security threat, significant natural hazards, and health risks).
  • Emergency planning that provides for:
    • Effective response to an emergency
    • Evacuation and rescue procedures
    • Notifying emergency services
    • Medical treatment and assistance
    • Effective communication between the field trip participants and the Communications Person to coordinate an emergency response
  • First aid provisions including trained personnel and first aid kits.
  • Information, training and instruction for the nature of the activities, the foreseeable risks and the control measures implemented.
  • Drinking water, hygiene and eating facilities.
  • Fitness for work: Participants should consider their ability to safely complete the physical requirements of the field trip activities, with respect to their individual fitness levels and limitations, pre-existing medical conditions, injuries, allergies, medications etc. Prior to the commencement of the field trip, the Field Trip Leader should ask participants to advise if they have any individual fitness to work concerns, that may impact on their own or others safety during the trip.  The Field Trip Leader is responsible for working with the participant to identify suitable control measures and emergency response actions specific to the disclosed concerns.
  • Fatigue management planning: may encompass field trip activity timing, duration, breaks, task loading, as well as an individuals’ fitness for work.
  • Plant and Equipment, which must be suitable for the task, serviced and tagged.
    • Safe living arrangements. This may include providing accommodation/tents for participants with respect to gender, religious or other preferences, privacy for personal hygiene activities (e.g. getting changed, bathing, toileting), and consideration of animals / insects.
    • Breaches of the Code of Conduct and related procedures.
    • Handling of animals.  This may include hazardous manual tasks and/or infectious disease risks.

2.1.2 High Risk Activity Risk Assessment

Some activities may present a higher risk than others.  These require participants to have specific skills, training or qualifications.

The overall field trip risk assessment, must specifically identify every high risk activity that is undertaken throughout the duration of the field trip.

The high risk activity risk assessment must outline the information, training and instruction required for the nature of the activities, the foreseeable risks and the control measures implemented.

Activities that require individual risk assessment include but are not limited to:

  • Working Alone
  • Bushwalking in remote locations
  • Boating, diving and snorkelling
  • Operation of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)
  • Driving vehicles on unsealed or gravel roads
  • Operation of firearms and other weapons
  • Cliff walking, rock climbing, caving
  • Operation of All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)
  • Operation of mobile plant
  • Erecting and installing plant
  • High Risk Work as defined under Schedule 3 of the WHS Regulations 2011 for example forklift and crane operations
  • Use of high voltage equipment
  • Use of light aircraft and helicopters
  • Horse riding
  • Animal handling (including venomous, poisonous, large animals and animals with zoonotic disease potential)
  • Risk of fall greater than 2m

2.1.3 Field Trips Managed by Other Organisations / Universities

Many research activities are conducted collaboratively with other Organisations / Universities.  If a 石榴视频 staff / student attends a field trip that is managed and controlled by the collaborative organisation, the staff/student is required to follow the risk management processes of the collaborative organisation. Prior to going on this trip, the 石榴视频 staff / student is responsible for obtaining a copy of the collaborative organisations field trip risk assessment.  The risk assessment should be reviewed and discussed with the 石榴视频 staff / students supervisor to identify any additional controls.  The trip is not required to be entered into 石榴视频’s Field Trip Management System.

2.2 Approval

This section refers to the approval of the health and safety management of the field trip. The health and safety risk management of a field trip is required to be approved by the Field Trip Leaders immediate Supervisor using the 石榴视频 field trip management system.  The field trip must be approved prior to commencement.  Approval shall only be granted if the Approver clearly understands the hazards and risks associated with the field trip and determines that the identified control measures eliminate or minimise hazards and risks as far as is reasonably practicable.

If a Field Trip Approver does not understand the hazards or risks involved in the field trip, he/she should invite a subject matter expert to review the field trip risk assessment or escalate the field trip risk assessment to the Dean/Director for advice.  The WHS Unit can also provide support and advice on the risk management process.

2.3 Training

The WHS Unit provides training and information to assist workers to identify, treat and manage WHS risk.  石榴视频 WHS training requirements are detailed in WHS-PRO-004 Training and Competency Procedure.

2.4 Insurance

石榴视频 has a combination of insurance policies in place to insure field trip participants.  The level of cover within the different policies varies depending on the participant’s relationship with 石榴视频. All participants are responsible for making themselves aware of 石榴视频 insurance cover to assist in making an informed decision on any additional insurance requirements.  Refer to the 石榴视频 insurance webpage for further information.

2.5 Children on field trips

The University understands that at times, there may be circumstances where a Staff member, Student, Affiliate or Visitor, may wish to have a Child or Children accompany them on a Field Trip. The parent, guardian or carer must receive approval for the child to accompany them, prior to taking part in a Field Trip. WHS-PRO-022 Children in the Workplace and Study Environment Field Trip Procedure details the University’s requirements for approval and management of children on field trips.

3 Monitoring

To ensure the field trip procedure effectiveness, field trips may be subject to audits.  The purpose of the audit is to assess compliance with this procedure and compliance with the field trip management system (including risk assessment controls).

Auditing may be conducted by the WHS Unit or the Division / Directorate.

4 Incident Management

All work health and safety incidents / hazards must be reported immediately to the Field Trip Leader.  The incident / hazard is required to be logged into RiskWare as soon as practicable. Incident and hazards can be reported during the field trip using the RiskWare Pocket Safety App.  The Field Trip Leader is responsible for managing the incident in accordance with WHS-PRO-005 Incident Hazard Management Procedure.

Critical incidents during field trips must be managed in accordance with the 石榴视频 Incident Management Policy and Critical Incident Procedures.

Work Health and Safety Policy

Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy

Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure for Staff and Affiliates

Children in the Workplace and Study Environment Policy

Code of Conduct

Incident Management Policy and Critical Incident Procedures

石榴视频 Boating WHS Management Framework

石榴视频 Diving WHS Management Framework

Risk Management Policy

Sexual Misconduct Procedure

Student Complaint Management Policy and Procedures

Student Code of Conduct

Weapons Policy

WHS-PRO-002 WHS Risk Management Procedure

WHS-PRO-004 Training and Competency Procedure

WHS-PRO-005 Incident & Hazard Management Procedure

WHS-PRO-018 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Procedure

WHS-PRO-021 Children in the Workplace and Study Environment Research Station Procedure

WHS-PRO-022 Children in the Workplace and Study Environment Field Trip Procedure


NOTE:  Printed copies of this Procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details
Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domain WHS Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Work Health and Safety Committee

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



22-1 29/06/2022 30/06/2022 Scheduled review. Minor changes.  Improved wording to the approval process responsibility. Added section 2.1.3 field trips managed by other organisations /universities. Improvements to the fitness for work requirements. Principal Technical Officer, WHS
20-1 16/07/2020 31/07/2020 Minor amendments consequential to change of name of work unit from Health Safety and Environment Unit to Work Health and Safety Unit. Administrative Officer Work Health and Safety Unit




Amendments in response to 石榴视频 Internal Audit C-17-05 Field Trip (Compliance) Audit Office of the Chief of Staff

HSE Principal Technical Advisor




Amendments to align with Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Principal Technical Advisor, HSE




Minor amendments – definitions - ‘Contact person’ changed to: ‘Communications person’ and references to it amended throughout the procedure; Definition of ‘Field trip and field trip activities’ and ‘Remote’ also amended; ‘Threat analysis’ changed to ‘Risk analysis’.

HSE Systems Officer




Procedure established – replaces Field Work

HSE Project Officer


Field, Field Trip, Remote

Contact person Manager, Work Health and Safety