
University Cyclone Response

石榴视频 Cyclone Response

Tropical Cyclone Advice

The University's Critical Incident Coordinator will:

Advise via the 石榴视频Safe App that a Cyclone Advice has been initiated and the current status of the cyclone.

Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans of Colleges, Directors and Heads of Residential Colleges and Halls should ensure a review of the status of the areas under their control is carried out.

Tropical Cyclone Watch

Issued if a cyclone is expected to affect coastal communities within 48 hours, but not expected within 24 hours

The University's Critical Incident Coordinator will:

Advise via the 石榴视频Safe App and email that a Cyclone Watch has been initiated and the current status of the cyclone. At this point, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans of Colleges, Directors and Heads of Residential Colleges and Halls should activate the first stage of their individual Cyclone Action Plans working with the Estate Directorate and Work Health and Safety Unit as required.  The Critical Incident Coordinator is available to provide advice to managers should this be required.

Tropical Cyclone Warning Stage

Issued if a cyclone is affecting or is expected to affect coastal communities within 24 hours

The University's Critical Incident Coordinator will:

Notify via the 石榴视频Safe App that a Cyclone Warning has been issued, and advise the University Community to implement the second stage of their Cyclone Action Plans.

Where necessary the impact of a possible closure of the University, and system shutdowns should be mitigated.

Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans of Colleges, Directors and Heads of Residential Colleges and Halls should ensure all pre-cyclone preparations have been completed, in accordance with their individual plans.

If the Bureau of Meteorology forecasts the likelihood of cyclonic winds affecting the area in which the facility is located during or soon after University teaching hours, a decision to close the University will be made by the Vice-Chancellor at the earliest opportunity.

The decision to close the University will be based on the following considerations: staff and student needs in relation to closures of schools and childcare centres and other carer's responsibilities and environmental factors like local flooding and any requirements to take shelter, including any need to evacuate students in residence.

Authority to advise staff to proceed home and to order any building, facility or the entire University closed rests with the Vice-Chancellor. Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans of Colleges, Directors and Heads of Residential Colleges and Halls wishing to release staff from duty or close down all or part of any building they occupy are required to consult with the Vice-Chancellor or the Critical Incident Coordinator prior to taking such action.

Where a decision is made to close the University the Critical Incident Coordinator, will communicate this decision via broadcast email and the 石榴视频Safe App and social media.

All Clear

The Critical Incident Coordinator will:

  • Assess the impact of the cyclone and take all necessary action to resume operations at the University, convening the Critical Incident Management Group if required.
  • Provide an Assessment and Recommendation to the Vice Chancellor and if directed to the Vice Chancellors Advisory Committee.

The Vice-Chancellor based on the assessment will make an announcement regarding the continued operation of the University.

Individual Cyclone Action Plans

Each Division, College and Directorate may require individual Cyclone Action Plans to cater for the specific needs of their areas at Cyclone Watch and Cyclone Warning stages. Assistance will be available in preparing these plans from Workplace Health and Safety and will include consideration of the following:

  • Special requirements including protection of specialised equipment, experiments in progress.
  • Field Trips in progress.
  • Guidelines for staff going on leave during the cyclone season.
  • Names of staff to be included on the Recall List.
  • Individual staff needs including children at school or in child care, visiting relatives.
  • Student needs including evacuation procedures.
  • Identification of Division specific needs