
Your Wellbeing

Attending university can be an exciting time of transition, growth and learning. But the complexities of university life can also be challenging. Homesickness, study concerns, problems with relationships and stress are some common student issues that you may face.

It’s important to try and achieve a good balance across all aspects of your health. Taking care of your wellbeing can help you to cope better with everyday stressors and challenges. It can also increase your resilience to things that are unexpected and not within your control.

How is your wellbeing and mental health?

You can assess how well you are balancing your wellbeing and mental health using these tools:

An initiative of the Queensland Government, to calculate your health and fitness 'age'.

A from beyondblue to measure whether you may have been affected by depression and anxiety during the past four weeks.

Try the from the Black Dog Institute website to help gauge your mental health.

For further information, tips and ideas for dealing with particular issues, concerns and worries, see Mental Health.

Regardless of your self-test score(s), if you or a fellow student or friend are not feeling OK, you should still seek support.

You should always seek professional help when:

  • Your life is being significantly affected
  • You feel like you are alone
  • You do not feel safe, and/or
  • You are having thoughts of self-harm or harming others

You can make an appointment with a 石榴视频 counsellor to seek help for all aspects of your wellbeing, or contact your doctor or other mental health professional.

You can also access our information sheets for guidance on a variety of common student issues and other options for seeking help.

You can also access our Mental Health and Wellness webpage.


Find help during a crisis
Find Help During a Crisis

Who to contact if you or someone you know are treated inappropriately, feel threatened or unsafe.

Contact Safety and Wellbeing

Racism Stops with Me
Racism. It Stops With Me

is a national campaign that provides tools and resources to help people and organisations learn about racism and stand against it by acting for positive change.

Find out more