
Review of Statutory Decisions

An Statutory Decision appeal is used for the following situations;

  • Remission of HELP debt
  • Decisions to withdraw without academic penalty
  • Unreasonable study load
  • Low rate of completion

If you are not satisfied with a Statutory Decision made by the University you may request a Review.

The review of a statutory decision process is relevant for decisions such as;

  • a decision that special circumstances (as referred to in HESA) do not apply in relation to a student seeking remission of a HELP debt in relation to a subject;
  • a decision that special circumstances (as referred to in HESA) do not apply in relation to a Commonwealth Supported student seeking to withdraw without academic penalty;
  • a decision that undertaking a unit of study will impose an unreasonable study load on a student, in the context of the University giving advice on whether the student is a Commonwealth supported student;
  • low rate of completion.

Refer to the Student Review and Appeals Policy and Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeals Procedure for further information.  There are strict timelines and limited legitimate grounds to request a review of a Statutory Decision.

A Formal Review must be requested within 20 University Working Days of receiving the original decision by submitting a form.

A late submission may be accepted at the discretion of the Director, Student Services where it can be demonstrated that special circumstances prevented you submitting your application on time.

In a Formal Review the original statutory decision is reviewed by the Director, Student Services.  Your application must meet the legitimate grounds of review whereby you must demonstrate that the Original Decision Maker did not make the correct and preferable decision in all the circumstances.

To support you in lodging and writing your application you are strongly encouraged to seek (or 石榴视频 Singapore Student Advisor) before completing your form. It is best to have all of your information, including relevant evidence, ready before starting the form, however you can save it and come back later.

The Review Officer will consider the statement and relevant supporting documentation included in your application.

The Review Officer’s decision notice will outline their consideration of evidence, findings and decision, and advise your right to apply for external review as there is no further right to an appeal within the University.

You are strongly encouraged to seek support and assistance from a  (or 石榴视频 Singapore Student Advisor) before submitting a formal review or appeal application. They will both guide you through the process and help you prepare your application.

石榴视频SA are your Student Association. You do not have to be a member to receive their free, non-judgmental and impartial help. While they have offices on campus (and are available via email and phone for external students), they are an independent and student focused organisation who can help you to:

  • understand and interpret University policies, rules and regulations
  • represent you or support you when you need to liaise with individual staff at 石榴视频 or "The University" in general
  • help you submit applications and/or claims. This includes things like special consideration or a review of assessment, appeals and more.

You can visit 石榴视频SA in person on the campus, email them or  freecall 1800 330 021. This service is available for all students, including those who study off campus.