

Helen Ball

Pottery in Southeast Asia, especially the Dvaravati period; Petrographic analysis of pottery.

Robyn Blucher

Southeast Asian Archaeology; Bioarchaeology; Isotope analyses.

Zachary Callanan

Bioarchaeology; Palaeopathology; Infectious disease; Southeast Asia

Josh Connelly

Indigenous archaeological seascapes; Holocene lithic technology; Human behavioural ecology; Archaeology of the dry and wet tropics.

Tate Devantier-Thomas

Archaeology; Experimental archaeology; Plain of Jars; Lao PDR

Felise Goldfinch

Archaeology of the dry tropics ; Rock art of the dry tropics.

Lucy Hughes

Indigenous archaeological seascapes; Pacific and Aotearoa New Zealand Archaeology; Landscape archaeology; Human Palaeoecology; Archaeology of Palaeotsunamis in the Pacific.

Jessica Hurst

Bioarchaeology; Osteoporosis; Southeast Asia

Mike Kneppers

Archaeozoology; Archaeomalacology; Great Barrier Reef; Aboriginal use of island and coastal landscapes.

Anna Kreij

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander archaeology; Indigenous landscape management; Cultural heritage management; Geospatial information analysis.

Cat Livingston

Archaeology of Southeast Asia; Archaeometallurgy.

Brittany Moller

A biosocial interpretation of disease in rural, regional, and urban centres from 1850-1900 in Australasia.

Lucille Pedersen

Bioarchaeology; Southeast Asian archaeology.

Georgina Skelly

Submerged landscape archaeology; Palaeolandscapes; coastal and island archaeology

Sarah Slater

FNQ cultural landscapes; Shellfish foraging strategies; Shell mounds and monumentality.

Mojca Zega

Palaeo-environmental reconstruction; Human-environment impact; Geochronology; Natural and cultural heritage; Human colonization.

Sophorn Nhoem

Stature estimation from fragmentary skeletal remains in prehistoric Cambodia with health and forensic applications.

Linn Tollofsen

Stone artefact analysis; Human-environment interaction.

Craig Smith

Historical archaeology, Townsville land and seascapes