
Research Student Grants

Each year the Trust calls for applications for their honours and postgraduate research grants.  Grants are valued at $7,000 and are available to currently enrolled 石榴视频 honours year students, masters by research students or PhD candidates.

Projects with the following output goals are highly encouraged to apply:

  • Prediction: predicting the occurrence of jellyfish in time and space;
  • Detection: detect and accurately identify them and understand their ecology;
  • Barriers: cost-effective and feasible barriers between people and jellyfish;
  • Diagnosis: rapid diagnosis of a sting, how recent and by what jellyfish;
  • Treatment: effective treatments from first aid to in the hospital;
  • Public Health: community approaches to managing risk.

Previous recipients seeking further funding to allow continuation of their research are particularly encouraged to apply.

Grant funds may be used for, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Purchase of equipment
  • Travel and associated field trip expenses (e.g. boat hire)
  • Analytical services
  • Library visits or visits to appropriate labs to learn new methods
  • Conference attendance (if the student is presenting their research work)

Successful recipients will be required to submit the following at completion of funding:

  • An impact report (in video or text). The impact report should document how the research transpired and what outcomes have, or will, come from the project, the communities that have benefited and any on-going research.  This report/video may be used in conjunction with the Donor’s name in University communications.
  • An article (no more than one page) for publication in the Northern District or Australian Lions Newsletter;
  • Present research outcomes at a meeting of the Australian Lions Foundation and be prepared to speak at Lions Club meetings on request;
  • A financial acquittal of funds with any unspent funds being returned to the Foundation.

Conditions of the award:

  • Grants awarded are for 1 year.
  • Applicants are expected to include reference to the funding support received from the Australian Lions Foundation as part of any media releases, other publicity and in published works.

Selection Panel:

  • Prof Mike Kingsford (Chair)
  • Dave Sellars
  • Lyndon Llewellyn (AIMS representative)

2024 application round:

Applications close Wednesday 31st July 2024.