
Association of Australian University Secretaries Useful Information Executive Committee of AAUS including contact details

Executive Committee of AAUS including contact details

Executive of the Association & Contact Information

The Executive is responsible for running the Association and is made up of members elected to the following positions by members in attendance at the Annual Meeting. The Executive was elected 13 September 2019 until the 2020 Annual Meeting.

President: Teresa Tjia

Vice-President Planning, Registrar and University Secretary

Victoria University


Immediate Past President (to December 2018): Linda Breen

Former University Secretary and Director, Governance and Corporate Affairs

Formerly of Charles Sturt University

Vice-President: Gioconda Di Lorenzo

University Secretary

University of of Melbourne


Secretary: Belinda Atkinson

Head of Governance Services

Southern Cross University


Treasurer: James Fitzgibbon

Director of Governance

University of New South Wales
