
The Australian Tropical Herbarium collection (CNS) is fully databased and can be queried and downloaded online through  AVH is an online resource that provides access to records held in almost all Australasian herbaria.

Simple searches on scientific name can be conducted from the AVH homepage and records filtered by selecting the values in the left-hand column. For example, in the 'Attribution' group choose 'Australian Tropical Herbarium' to view all of this institution's records. More complex searches can be conducted from the page. CNS records can be searched by selecting 'Australian Tropical Herbarium' from the list of Herbaria on the Advanced search page.

AVH screenshot.

For further data or more information please contact enquiries@ath.org.au.

Terms of Use

Please note that data extracted from the Australia's Virtual Herbarium and from the Australian Tropical Herbarium database represents the state of the database at the time the query was made. The database is under constant revision and is provided 'as is' without any expressed or implied warrantees or assertions about data completeness, quality or fitness for any particular purpose. If you come across any errors we would appreciate being notified of them. Please acknowledge the Australian Tropical Herbarium appropriately in any publications or other materials that present results derived from use of the specimen record data.