

Key Terms Used in Compliance

ComplianceMeeting all the organisation's compliance obligations
Compliance CultureValues, ethics and beliefs that exist throughout an organisation and interact with the organisation's structures and control systems to produce behavioural norms that are conducive to compliance outcomes
Compliance RegisterAlphabetical listing of legislative requirements imposing at least one positive obligation on the University and identifies the responsible officer whom is required to ensure the positive obligation is satisfied in accordance with the applicable legislation
Legal RiskThe potential for financial loss or reputational damage if the University fails to be aware of and implement legislative or regulatory requirements that could impact operations, results in a breach of compliance, or through action or inaction gives rise to potential litigation against the organisation, its staff or students
Compliance Action PlanPlan developed by the relevant Division in response to an identified non-compliance with timeframes and a risk assessment with mitigation strategies (where appropriate). Entered into Riskware.
Compliance DeclarationDocument that confirms the level of compliance with relevant legislation, provides details of any actual or potential breaches and any action taken
ObligationA requirement specified by laws, regulations, codes or organisational standards
CodeA statement of recommended practice developed internally by the University or externally by another body (may be mandatory or voluntary)
Responsible OfficerEmployees appointed as being responsible for compliance with particular legislation