

石榴视频 (石榴视频) has a responsibility to identify and comply with range of legislative and regulatory requirements. An effective, organisation-wide compliance management system enables an organization to demonstrate its commitment to compliance with relevant laws, including legislative requirements, industry codes and organisational standards, as well as standards of good corporate governance, best practices, ethics and community expectations.

Compliance is defined in AS/ISO 19600:2015 Compliance Management Systems, as:

"meeting all the organisation's compliance obligations".  Obligations comprise "compliance requirements" and "compliance commitments".

  • laws and regulations
  • permits, licences or other forms of authorisations
  • orders, rules or guidance issued by regulatory agencies
  • judgements of courts or administrative tribunals
  • treaties, conventions and protocols
  • agreements with community groups and public authorities
  • policies and procedures of the University
  • obligations arising under contractual arrangements with the University
  • relevant organisational and industry standards

In order for the University to be fully informed of its obligations and aware of legislative amendments, it has entered into an annual subscription arrangement with an external service provider. The subscription level allows up to forty (40) user licenses. The alerts service provides summaries of changes to legislation via email notifications to the license holder. The subscription service facilitates:

  • Searching of all Australian legislation
  • Email notification within 24 hours of changes to law
  • Links to government sources
  • Bill tracking
  • Commencement tables
  • Gazette notices
  • Amendment history
  • Repeal details
  • Links to historical versions of previous legislation
  • Second reading speeches & explanatory memoranda
  • Customised individual profiles

To understand more about Alerts process, refer to the procedure for Managing the Alerts Process.

To create a personalised Legislative Alerts user profile, refer to the Quick Reference Guide Alert Profile

Internal Non-compliance Reporting template

Compliance Action Plan template

A number of staff have been designated to advise and support on administrative compliance related issues.

Vanessa Cannon
Chief of Staff and Risk Management Coordinator
Telephone: (07) 4781 4078
Email: chiefofstaff@jcu.edu.au

Shaun Steffensen
University General Counsel
Telephone: (07) 4781 6453
Email: shaun.steffensen@jcu.edu.au

For specific advice on legal matters, please contact the Legal Office.

The intent of a robust and integrated system of compliance is to provide assurance to the Vice Chancellor and University Council that the University is actively attentive to its legislative compliance obligations, considering impacts of any consequent changes, and ensuring that these are embedded in practice and procedures across the University. More detail can be found by reading the Commitment to Compliance available on the Intranet.

The University has developed and approved a Compliance Policy.

Further Information