
Selection Processes

Selection and interview processes vary from employer to employer. These may include online questionnaires, aptitude testing, phone or video interviews, the use of assessment centres (tests and exercises), and gamification. These selection processes allow the employer to test your skills, knowledge and personality to ensure you are the right fit for the role and their company, without solely relying on an interview.

Going through these steps may feel like a lot of work, but it will give you the opportunity to engage with the organisation in different ways, provide you with more knowledge about the role and company, what is expected from you, and what it would be like to work for them. These steps may include:

  • Online questionnaires: These types of questions may ask you to describe previous situations where you have performed tasks relating to the job, or how you have demonstrated the key skills and abilities that the employer is looking for. For more information about online applications go to our module: Master Written Applications.
  • Aptitude tests: These standardised tests assess your skills, personality, motivations, values, and interests in line with a particular role. Psychometric assessment is often administered as a series of online tests and inventories, and may be prior to, or part of, an assessment centre process.
  • Phone/video interview: These are used to overcome distance barriers and minimise costs. They tend to be shorter and less complex than a face-to-face interview.  Rather than speak to a person, some employers use pre-recorded video interviewing software where questions are shown on a computer screen and you will record your timed answers using a computer/device with a webcam.
  • Assessment centre: Assessment centre processes involve a collection of tests as well as individual and group exercises designed to simulate an employer’s business environment. They assess personal attributes and skills, such as communication, problem solving, teamwork that can help determine who would fit best and excel within the organisation’s structure and culture.
  • Gamification: Online games can be used to test a candidate’s suitability for a role. They are a form of fun, interactive engagement that improves the candidate’s experience, removes some biases, and tests how they think on their feet. Gamification generally tests your knowledge, plus skills such as creativity, innovative thinking, problem solving, and time management.
  • Face-to-face interview: The final step of the recruitment process is the interview – you might even have multiple interviews for one job. You may be interviewed by one person, a panel, or less commonly as a group alongside other candidates! It is important to find out who is on the panel to help you prepare.