
GRS language and communication support

The GRS Post-Entry Language Assessment (PELA) support program for HDR candidates who have English as an Additional Language

The 石榴视频 Graduate Research School runs the PELA program to support research degree candidates in meeting the written and spoken English requirements of their studies.  As part of the PELA program, incoming HDR candidates may be required to undertake a brief diagnostic test (see information below). This test is the main way the GRS is able to establish the language and communication support needs of candidates, although advisors are also able to refer candidates for support.

Your PELA contact for workshops and consultations

Candidates who work within the PELA scheme have access to regular peer writing support workshops and to one-on-one consultations.  Your GRS contact is Dr Putu Liza Mustika (Icha).  Please use to make an appointment with Icha.

The first point of contact for all HDR English language support issues should be Icha and/or Professor Liz Tynan, Head of HDR Professional Development.  Icha and Liz will work with candidates to determine their support needs and may suggest avenues for additional support if required. Please speak to Icha or Liz in the first instance, to help maintain continuity of support.  Candidates who are required to take the PELA test will be contacted by the GRS and will meet Icha and Liz as part of the test process.

The PELA test

The Post-Entry Language Assessment (PELA) is designed to gauge the academic writing abilities of research degree candidates who have English as an Additional Language (EAL). The test helps the GRS to understand how best to support candidates in developing their research communication skills in English. Those who do require assistance will receive targeted and flexible support tailored to their requirements. People undertaking a PELA are asked to write an academic paragraph in response to a statement. The outcome of this assessment will determine each candidate’s writing support plan. The most intensive level of support will involve regular contact with writing support staff and attendance at compulsory peer support sessions, as well as further writing assessment and a re-test. The PELA was established by the 石榴视频 Graduate Research School (GRS) and has been operating since the beginning of 2013.

The PELA test is conducted via Zoom, and the peer writing support workshops are available face to face in Townsville and on Zoom.

Assessment Dates

PELA tests are scheduled at regular intervals, depending upon numbers of candidates who fit the criteria for PELA testing. Professor Tynan will be in touch with all candidates who are required to take the test – you do not need to self-identify.

Purpose of PELA

Although language is not the sole defining factor of academic success, there does appear to be an aptitude threshold below which candidates may experience difficulty in managing their study. Research suggests that HDR candidates who have English as an Additional Language often encounter diverse and greater challenges in their postgraduate research experience than their native English-speaking counterparts, particularly in their efforts to develop their academic writing skills in English to meet the demands of thesis writing.

Inadequate English skills put research candidates at risk of delayed or non-completion, or of significant stresses and obstacles throughout candidature. The GRS PELA program is designed to pick up on these potential problems early and put in place effective measures to avoid complications later. A 石榴视频 HDR candidate requires a high standard of academic writing, and the PELA has been successful in ensuring that all EAL HDR candidates who require assistance will receive it in a timely and effective manner.

Candidates who are required to undertake the PELA test will be contacted by the Graduate Research School as soon as possible after they commence. Note that both international and domestic candidates may be required to take a PELA test, depending on their language background. The PELA must be undertaken by any EAL research degree candidate entering 石榴视频 who falls into the following categories:

  • Received an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score below 7.0 overall or for any sub-skill (writing, reading, speaking or listening);
  • Received a waiver of 石榴视频 English Language Requirements (ELR), including candidates who received a waiver on the basis of the GRS’s Pre-Entry Language Assessment (PrELA);
  • Gained ELR on the basis of two years’ postgraduate study in English in an approved country;
  • Transferred from a current Master of Philosophy (MPhil) to a PhD and would have been required to do the PELA on entry to the MPhil;
  • Has undertaken (or is undertaking) a Direct Entry English pathway program;
  • Received a writing score of below 23 for the Internet-based TOEFL (or 5.5 for paper-based); or
  • Received a score below 65 for a Pearson test.

Experience has shown that even though a candidate has been accepted into the degree, those who fall into the categories above may still have language issues during research degree candidature. The PELA gives the GRS a better idea of whether candidates are likely to struggle with writing, so that the GRS can put in place measures to assist them from the beginning.

The PELA is a quick test. Candidates will be given five minutes to read the information in the paper and plan their response to the question. They will then have 15 minutes to prepare a short response in the form of a single paragraph. For integrity reasons, they are invigilated by Zoom while undertaking the test, but do not have to answer any questions orally. They must return their completed test paper within 10 minutes of the conclusion of the test.  Candidates will be asked to confirm that they have not used Generative AI for any part of the test process.  If they do use GenAI in any part of this test, their answer will be declared void.

HDR candidates do not need to do any preparation before the PELA test.

The marking criteria have been designed to fit the needs of a research degree writing test, and deal only with written academic English, not spoken.

The criteria cover language usage elements such as grammar and punctuation. The criteria are also designed to examine the capacity of the candidate to develop a simple argument. The marking criteria are included in the PELA document and candidates are allowed five minutes before the start of the test to read through this material.

Within seven working days of completing the test candidates will be sent an email informing them of the result and explaining what they need to do next. The email will be copied to their primary advisor as well.

What do the results mean?

If a candidate receives a Fail they will be required to meet with Professor Liz Tynan and/or Dr Putu Liza Mustika from the GRS to discuss their compulsory writing support plan. The primary advisor will be kept informed about the writing support plan as well. This plan will operate for an initial period of between six and nine months, after which the candidate will be asked to undergo a second PELA test to gauge their progress in developing their academic writing skills. Depending upon the outcome of that second test, the candidate will either be deemed to be an independent academic writer without further obligations under PELA, or an extended writing support plan will be devised.

If a candidate receives a Borderline Pass, they will be invited to attend a meeting to discuss an optional, but highly recommended, writing support plan. This plan will operate for an initial period of approximately six to nine months, after which the candidate may opt to undergo a second PELA test to gauge their progress in developing their academic writing skills. Depending upon the outcome of that second test, the candidate may still need some assistance and a new plan will be devised.

If a candidate receives a Pass, they will not be required to participate in a writing support plan, although they may opt into the support available if they wish.

The Peer Writing Support Workshops are designed to help you become more confident in writing quality publications in English (thesis, journal articles, PowerPoint presentations, etc.).

In addition, the workshop is an avenue for you to practice your public speaking skills, e.g., by conducting constructive discussions with peers or by practicing your presentations.

Particularly for manuscript editing: Preferably 24 hours before the session starts, please send Icha 1-2 paragraphs (~100-200 words) from your proposal, literature review, thesis, journal articles, etc. to be discussed during the workshop. Don’t fret if you only have a paragraph to share with us. We usually spend 30 min discussing a paragraph, hence one paragraph from you is enough to keep us busy.

To foster equity, each candidate’s work will be allocated a maximum of 45 minutes. If you have several paragraphs to discuss and we could not finish editing your paragraphs by the end of the workshop, you can book a one-on-one consultation time with Icha (Dr Putu Liza Mustika) . If you cannot find a time that is suitable for you, send an email to putu.liza@jcu.edu.au to see if Icha can fit you into her schedule.

A Fail result does not affect degree enrolment. Instead, it should be seen as a clear signal that the candidate will require academic English support, and they will be required to participate in the writing support program.

Candidates with Fail grades are expected to participate in a tailored writing support plan that will be structured to fit around fieldwork and other research project commitments.  If the candidate consistently does not participate without a good reason, future one-on-one academic writing or editing assistance may not be provided.

A Fail grade for PELA points to serious academic writing problems, and candidates benefit when they approach the support offered in a positive manner.

A writing support program provides specified activities that must be undertaken by anyone receiving a Fail result, or which are recommended for anyone receiving a Borderline Pass result.

A primary element of the plan is regular attendance at a peer writing support workshop.

This workshop is designed to work with the writing and reading currently being undertaken by the candidate – it does not involve assignments or other unrelated work.

Other elements of the plan may include compulsory attendance at specified professional development workshops, one-on-one sessions and a follow-up PELA at the end of the initial nine-month plan.

Yes, the primary advisor will be copied to the email that each candidate receives notifying them of their PELA result. All advisors are welcome at any time to seek further information from Professor Tynan about the PELA results for any research degree candidates they are supervising.

As identified in 石榴视频’s English language and Numeracy Policy (2012), “石榴视频 has a responsibility to ensure that all students develop key graduate attributes including a level of English language and numeracy proficiency that will allow them to participate effectively and productively in their courses and subsequent employment” (p. 2), and that, “The University provides a supportive social and academic environment which promotes students’ language and numeracy development” (p. 2). Arising from this, the Policy identifies a number of procedures for supporting Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates to develop proficiency in English language and numeracy; one such procedure is the use of a diagnostic tool to identify candidates’ academic language needs early in their candidature.

While the internationalisation of higher education has seen a growing number of HDR students from a diverse range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds enrolling at 石榴视频, the literature suggests international Non–English Speaking Background (NESB) research students often encounter diverse and greater challenges in their postgraduate research experience than their domestic native English speaking counterparts (e.g. Allison, Cooley, Lewkowicz & Nunan, 1998; Bartlett & Chanock, 2003; Cadman, 2000; Larcombe, McCosker & O’Loughlin, 2007), particularly in their efforts to develop their academic writing skills in English to meet the embedded demands of thesis writing.

Further information about the PELA may be obtained by contacting:

Professor Liz Tynan

Professor Liz Tynan
Head, HDR Professional Development 
Graduate Research School

Dr Putu Mustika (Icha)

Dr Putu Mustika (Icha)
Academic Mentor

Graduate Research School