

Please note that there may be some aspects of the Skills石榴视频 system that are not yet fully functional, especially those involving data about your past Professional Development activities. These gaps will be filled as soon as possible. If you have any concerns, please contact grs@jcu.edu.au.

Skills石榴视频 is the one-stop-shop for your HDR Professional Development program.  Your Primary Advisor and the Graduate Research School also have access to the system.  A graphic interface enables you to see where you are in terms of meeting the requirements of RD/RM7003 Professional Development, whether you choose to do so via the hours metric that applies to training programs or the points metric used for Leadership and Initiative.

You can indicate in the system the skills you already possess and forecast those you will need, not just for your project but for your career aspirations.  When you complete the Audit and Plan, which is structured around HDR Graduate Attributes, you can indicate which skills are your priority. The system then shows you available training that can help you achieve your goals, and provides a link or booking or module access. You can also search the system using keywords for the training you are looking for. You can regularly update your PDAP as your skills develop and priorities change.

Fixed Components are those part of your Professional Development that are compulsory and must be completed by Confirmation of Candidature. You can book your Fixed Component workshops or access Fixed Component online modules through Skills石榴视频. Your completion of these activities is shown in the form of a graphic that will tell you what you have completed and whether you still have more activities to undertake.

The Flexible Component of your program is made up of the activities you and your advisory team have decided will best meet your professional aspirations. This part of the system enables you to track your Flexible Component, whether you are undertaking training workshops or taking the Leadership and Initiative pathway. You will receive “credits” for each activity, which equate to hours in training workshops (or mentored teaching), or points for Leadership and Initiative activities. The two wheels on this page will tell you where you are in meeting the requirements for your Professional Development program. For any external training activity, or for any Leadership and Initiative activity, you will be able to upload evidence of your completion (such as a certificate, or a journal article, for example).

Candidates are required to reflect on their professional development activities in Skills石榴视频. You should reflect upon at least five of your PD activities, providing roughly 50-100 words per reflection. You can add your reflections to any completed activity, both Fixed and Flexible. This is in addition to feedback that you will be able to provide to the GRS on any of your activities as well.

All GRS Professional Development workshops require registration and can be self-managed online using Skills石榴视频. You can also access all GRS online modules, whether they form part of the Fixed or the Flexible component, and evidence of your participation is automatically recorded. However, if you are planning on participating in workshops outside the GRS PD program, or you undertake any Leadership and Initiative activity, you must obtain evidence that you have completed these activities and upload it to Skills石榴视频. We recommend that you do this as soon as the evidence becomes available, so that you do not have to rely on your memory at the time you are undertaking a candidature milestone. Once you do this, the completion wheels will reflect what you have done.