

石榴视频 students and staff are subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Act 1968 and are required to abide by the University’s associated policies and requirements on the copying and communication of copyright material including the University’s Copyright Policy. See  for specific information about copyright issues and your thesis.

It is compulsory that you include the following statement at the start of your thesis:

Every reasonable effort has been made to gain permission and acknowledge the owners of copyright material. I would be pleased to hear from any copyright owner who has been omitted or incorrectly acknowledged.

The candidate is the sole author of the thesis, and fully responsible for everything contained in it. As a consequence, the candidate is the copyright holder of the thesis. However, if the thesis contains material that has already been published (including material authored or co-authored by the candidate) and you are no longer the copyright owner of the published material (you may have signed away your copyright via a publisher contract or agreement); or third-party material (material created by other people including photographs, maps, drawings, extended quotations, and so on), you will need permission from the copyright owner to reproduce/include copyrighted material in your thesis before your thesis can be made publicly available online.  A  requesting permission to reproduce material must be sent to the copyright owner of the material.  Any signed letters should be submitted along with your thesis for recordkeeping purposes.

Where copyright on a publication or third-party material has been assigned to a publisher, permission must be sought to reproduce the work in the thesis. Permission may be required for work authored, or co-authored by the candidate. Publisher copyright agreements may place restrictions on the inclusion of publications in your thesis. Candidates must therefore read the publisher agreement carefully and seek advice from the 石榴视频 Copyright Officer (copyright@jcu.edu.au) if they require further information.

Thesis Submission and Release Form must be completed and submitted with the thesis.

Candidates are required to attend the Intellectual Property and Copyright workshop offered through the Graduate Research School’s HDR Professional Development Program for information that will assist in managing thesis copyright issues.

Library and Information Services have several  that may provide useful information including: