
Betsy Bradshaw

Photo Betsy Bradshaw



Career Objective

A career in elementary education with an emphasis on library science.


Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA 1979-1981

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education degree, K-8, 1981

Cuyahoga Community College Western Campus, Parma, Ohio, 1977-1979

Associate of Arts degree 1979

Summer Institute of Linguistics graduate courses (Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology/grammar), University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, summer 1990

Summer Institute of Linguistics graduate courses (Intercultural Communications, Principles of Literacy, Field Methods and Linguistic Analysis), University of Dallas, Dallas, TX, fall 1990

Work and Volunteer Experience

May 2004 to January 2019: Librarian, Ukarumpa International School Primary Campus, Papua New Guinea. I have served as both a staff person and most recently, 7 years as head librarian. I am in charge of teaching weekly library skills classes to kindergarten through fifth grade children (previously sixth grade), keeping the library running smoothly and supervising one to two national employees. I wrote a 75-page manual for the library in 2004, which I revised in 2010, 2016, 2017 and again in January 2019 to a 106-page manual.

1999 to January 2019: Primary Sunday school Coordinator and Worship Leader. Responsible for getting teachers for preschool and primary school classes through grade 5 (previously grade 6), ordering curriculum from the USA, planning songs and leading worship (singing and guitar) and planning a Bible quiz and Sword Drill each week for approximately 70 children.

1991 to October 2019: Coordinated over 20 Ukarumpa Sunday morning English services by leading a worship team, finding a prayer person and others to be involved in the service.

2006 to present: Branch Communication Checker (BCC) at Ukarumpa, proofreading other members’ newsletters and blogs, often averaging 1-2 to check daily. I served as the Chief BCC from 2016-2017.

2004 to May 2018: Led 17 different Bible studies for women at Ukarumpa and also for 5 years on furloughs in Cleveland, OH, USA.

2011-2014; 2017-2018: Helped to team teach a group of 30 third, fourth and fifth grade girls at Grace Church in Cleveland, OH every Wednesday nights for 4 years.

November 2016 to December 2017: Women’s Connect Planning Team, helping to plan and organize monthly women’s events at Ukarumpa, including leading worship.

April 2011: Coordinated the SIL-PNG 2011 Branch Conference, preparing for it from April 2010-March 2011.

2003 to 2010: Ukarumpa International School Board Recording Secretary for 5 ½ years and Chair of the Board for 1 ½ years. I also served on the board as the EC Alternate Representative for one year. I was elected as a Parent Representative at the 2011 Branch Conference, but due to an early unexpected furlough, was only able to chair one meeting before leaving for the US.

January-March 2009: Served on the Missions Conference planning committee at Grace Church in Cleveland, OH (over 4000 members). I was in charge of our church missions fair, which included contacting 12 different missions or individuals to set up tables displaying their work.

2007-2008: Aerobics leader. I led one hour of aerobics three times a week for one year for 10-12 missionary ladies at Ukarumpa.

2005, 2006, 2008: Cooking Coordinator for the Ukarumpa Encounter high school spiritual retreat in 2006, and cooked with a crew the other two years. In charge of scheduling 6 ladies and passing on information on what was expected of them as we cooked for 130 teens and adults for 5 days.

2007: Recruitment Focus Group for SIL-PNG Branch Conference. I gathered information and materials to present at Conference on recruiting more members to the PNG Branch.

2007-2008: Member of administrative team for WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) for renewal of 6-year accreditation for Ukarumpa International School, PNG, which was granted in 2008.

2006-2008: Executive Committee (EC), SIL-PNG Branch, Alternate Secretary (elected position). I took minutes for and participated in all of the EC meetings for two years.

2005-2008: Central RAD (Regional Assistant Director). Assisted Robert with personnel issues for the village teams in Central Province, PNG.

October 2005: Adult sponsor for Kids’ Corner Booth at the annual high school Carnival.  Planned and supervised 3 activities and 3 special events for this booth for younger children. I also supervised five middle school children who worked in the booth.

2004, 2002, 2001: Chairman and worship leader of Ukarumpa ladies’ retreat in 2002 and 2001, and also served on the retreat committee in 2004 as worship leader. I wrote up Chairman’s reports both years I directed the retreat plus made a list in 2004 of all the committees and their responsibilities.

July 2002: Coordinated all the preparation of Vacation Bible School at Ukarumpa that a group of Discovery students from the USA led.

1991-2000: Helped my husband, Robert, in the Fuyug language program, Central Province, PNG. I wrote lessons for the Vernacular Component part of the Fuyug community school, which Robert taught to the local sixth grade children. I also helped him with planning and running a Writer’s Workshop in the village.

1990: Worked in the CHED (Children’s Education Department) at Wycliffe headquarters in Huntington Beach, CA for two months, mainly doing filing and other paperwork.

1988, 1989: Taught high school Sunday school to high school students in my home at Ukarumpa on a variety of different topics for two years.

1987: Taught 5th grade Sunday school to ten fifth grade girls at Ukarumpa for one year.

1986: Taught kindergarten Sunday school to eight kindergarten children at Ukarumpa for one year.

1985-1989: Taught grade 1 for one year and grade 4 for three years with SIL at Aiyura Primary School, Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea. Also taught 8 first and second children for one term at the Pacific Orientation Course (POC) in Madang from January to May 1999.

1986-1989: Led the Sunday night worship service at Ukarumpa, planning the songs, singing and playing guitar with a group of 2-4 others.

1983-1985: Taught grades 1, 2 and 3 with the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) in Porto Velho, Brazil in the Amazon rainforest. I also taught Sunday school to six fourth and fifth grade children for two years. I gave guitar lessons to three missionary kids for one year. I gave physical therapy to a boy with cerebral palsy for one year in Porto Velho.

1982-1983: May Company department store, North Olmsted, Ohio. Worked part-time in almost every department.

1981-1983: Taught Chapter 1 and Title 1 Math to first and second grade students at Valley Vista School in North Royalton, Ohio for two school years in a half-time position.

1978-81 (4 summers): Worked as a rides attendant at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio. In 1980 and 1981 I was Assistant Group Leader of the ride and was in charge of a crew of six in the afternoon and evening every day.

1976-1978: McDonald’s, Berea, Ohio. Was a crew member and could work every position, including waiting on customers and cooking and preparing all foods.

1976-1977: Co-directed and spoke at two youth retreats for about 60 teenagers at my church in Berea, Ohio when I was a junior and senior in high school.