

Ash茅ninka Peren茅

Ash茅ninka Peren茅, an endangered American language of the Arawak family spoken by natives in Per煤's Upper Peren茅 river, a tributary of the Tambo river. This video is taken, made and provided by Dr. Elena Mihas. It tells that...

ashaninka ines kamitzi story

Ines Perez de Santos: Kamitzi the miniature people


Ersu is a 'definitely endangered' underdocumented language spoken in the southwest of Sichuan Province, China.

`nio `ma `dde `tse

`nio `ma `dde `tse the birthday of the sun is said to be on the 19th day of every year's 11th month of Chinese lunar calendar in the Ersu communities. On this day, a Shaba or the most respectable old man or the both in Lajigu is invited to pray for safety, health, good harvest and weather for all the villagers. This day is also a important festival for the Lajigu villagers to gather. A BLACK pig should be killed with three candles placed on its head for sacrifices. Then it will be split off and distributed to each of the family. Men often either work on the pig, or participate in the sacrificing work, or just sit on the gathering venue, chatting, smoking and drinking. Women often show their traditional dances, sing their traditional songs and also join in the activities of drinking, smoking and chatting. Normally, nearly 1/4 of the villagers are drunk on this exciting day. This video is taken on this celebration.

`nio`me `dde`tsu

`re `he`nzha

`re `he`nzha is a traditional Ersu song that is sung by a bride's relatives and friends when her wedding ceremony is held. This video was taken by Liangsha TV station.

`re `he`nzha

An Ersu kid is dancing

The Ersu like dancing. They dance on different occasions, wedding, funeral, festival...So, they are said to be able to dance since they were born. This child is a good example.

An Ersu kid is dancing

Working & Weaving

Working & Weaving