
Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Awards nomination form

Outstanding Alumni Awards nomination form

Please select the Award category
Nominee Details
Town, State, Country
Date of birth *
Year of graduation *
If your nominee has a LinkedIn account please provide the link below.
Details of person making this nomination
Referee Details
Statement in Support of Nomination
Tell us about your nominee. How they fit the selection criteria for the category nominated? Please write at least 250 words, you may include links to websites, videos, images etc.
Submission Checklist
Please ensure your application has all of the below:

Document attachments

Here you can upload media articles, awards or any other items to support your nomination.  Include the Nominee's resume or as many details about your nominee's employment and professional activity as you can provide. Additionally, you can upload your full written statement here if it does not fit in the above form space.

Note: Use Zip format to upload multiple files.

Or as many details about your nominee's employment and professional activity as you can provide. If you have provided a link to your nominees detailed LinkedIn profile you may skip this section.

(PDF, Word & Zip file format only, 20MB max file size). Nominations for 2024 awards are now closed however, if you would like to bring an outstanding alumni and their achievements to our attention please email alumni@jcu.edu.au.