
Mr Jack Growden

Jack Growden

2021 Early Career College Recipient, College of Science and Engineering

In 2017, Jack Growden found himself in Papua New Guinea as part of his Bachelor of Planning (Honours) degree. During this visit Jack saw first-hand that rural primary schools across the country had no access to digital learning facilities. When he realised the impact this deficit would have on the ability of students to make their way in our digital world, he donated his own laptop on the spot and promised to return to the country with more.

Six months later, after founding the not-for-profit organisation, LiteHaus International, at the age of 20, Jack returned to PNG to fulfil his promise, establishing the first primary school computer lab in Papua New Guinea.

‘Ambitious’ is the only way to describe Jack’s vision. In the four years since its inception, LiteHaus International has grown from his Mum and Dad’s garage, to the world, providing more than 40,000 people across four countries with digital learning tools and opportunities. Jack is now the full-time Chief Executive Officer of LiteHaus International and aims to empower millions of individuals by 2030.

Jack is inspiring people from all walks of life to make a difference in bridging the digital divide.

Jack Growden graduated 石榴视频 in 2018 with a Bachelor of Planning with Second Class Honours and awarded the Townsville City Council Prize.