
Data Manager

The Data Manager provides advice and or supervision to the researcher(s) throughout the research project lifecycle and reviews (spot checks) the veracity of the project’s data and information. Post project, the Data Manager is responsible for safeguarding the research (data and information) assets from unauthorised access and misuse, and in some cases, for archiving (record keeping) and disposal.

Because responsibilities for data and information extend past the life of the research project (e.g. after the HDR candidate has graduated), the role of the Data Manager must be assumed by a 石榴视频 staff member. As such, the Data Manager is either the:

On departure of a Lead Investigator or Primary Advisor from 石榴视频, the role will transfer to the:

  • For Colleges - Associate Dean of the Researcher (ADR) or appropriate delegate as determined by the Data Custodian.
  • For Institutes and Centres – Data Custodian can delegate to an appropriate Manager.