
Services and Resources Division About the Services and Resources Division

About the Services and Resources Division

Welcome from the Deputy Vice Chancellor

The Services and Resources Division comprises a number of Directorates and Offices whose activities foster and promote innovation and bestDVC Services and Resources Tricia Brand practice in the delivery of its services and provide the frameworks and support to assist the Academy and Service Divisions achieve their goals and objectives.

The Division is responsible for overall strategy in relation to:

planning, performance and budgeting framework; strategic procurement; human resources; IT services; business intelligence and statistical reporting; strategic commercial activities, including in relation to the Discovery Rise project and Retail outlets; quality enhancement and policy framework; capital infrastructure planning and maintenance and delivery of capital projects for IT services and the Estate; health and safety management and compliance; provision of campus services including cleaning, grounds maintenance, security and student accommodation.

The Division has a strong customer service ethic and continuous improvement culture. We are receptive to new ideas and ways in which we can enhance our delivery of services for the University.

Suggestions for enhancement to our range of services are always welcome. Email dvcsr@jcu.edu.au.

Tricia Brand
Deputy Vice Chancellor
Services and Resources Division