
CSTFA Study Options Available PhD Opportunities

Available PhD Opportunities

Current Project Opportunities

Ongoing: ARC Research Hub for Supercharging Tropical Aquaculture through Genetic Solutions

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The ARC Research Hub for Supercharging Tropical Aquaculture through Genetic Solutions will involve work with five species (pearl oysters, barramundi, prawns, seaweed, and grouper) with the aim to apply various genetic and technological approaches to boost productivity of farming, improve breeding outcomes and lower risks associated with disease with key industry partners:

The Research Hub is seeking expressions of interests from highly motivated prospective students to fill 10+ Hons/MSc/PhD Projects through competitive research applications. The projects will be aligned with strategic aquaculture industry stakeholders and focused on key research priorities of the Research Hub to boost productivity of the target culture species. The projects will deliver outcomes that include selection of genetic lines for fast growth, product quality and pathogen tolerance, improve hatchery breeding processes, improve biosecurity and lower threat of disease, plus delivering on farm solutions to better understand how the farm environment interacts with the culture species to boost productivity outcomes.

Please click here for further details.

We always welcome applications from prospective PhD students

If there are no advertised postgraduate projects please send us an email at cstfa@jcu.edu.au. Tell us why you are interested in our research and include a copy of your CV.

Please see our staff profiles for more information about research themes in the center.