
AV systems training

VAVs banner.

Teaching spaces are fitted with a variety of audio visual equipment and lecturers and presenters are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the equipment prior to the first lecture/presentation, paying particular attention to the AV control systems, such as

  • Button controllers,
  • Video conference remote controls
  • Touch panels

First step

  • There are 石榴视频 Virtual Rooms set up on our website where you can view the rooms and see a list of equipment fitted to each. This is an excellent starting point in the familiarisation process.

Second step

  • Technical staff from VAVS are happy to assist with individual or group training sessions and we suggest the following procedure to request a technical training session:
    1. Book the room(s) in question by going to the WebRoomBooker. If the room does not appear in the WebRoomBooker, please contact the Time Table team
    2. Email videoconferencing@jcu.edu.au or contact us and advise us of the room(s), the date and the time.

We look forward to assisting you in preparation for teaching.