
VAVS Home Videoconferencing 石榴视频 Videoconference rooms

石榴视频 Videoconference rooms

Select a campus and a room from the drop down menus and click to view the virtual room. The resulting page shows a view of the room and all its associated AV equipment.

石榴视频 Room Finder

Use the to assist you in finding a suitable room, which best suits your needs.

  1. Enter the search parameters as per your requirements
  2. A list of rooms matching the search will be shown
  3. Click on the Virtual View link to view the room and its associated equipment list as well as some useful guides.

Web Room Booker

The Web Room Booker (WRB) is a self-serve automatic room reservation system

For all external videoconference bookings or bookings which cannot be made via the WRB, please