
Questions and answers

On this page:


Q: How many study places are available?

A: In 2024, 石榴视频 had approximately 170 places available for Medicine, 90 places for Dentistry and 80 places for Veterinary Science. The majority of these were offered to school leavers and a small number to other applicants.

Q: What determines whether I’m a school leaver?

A: For consideration as a school leaver, applicants must have:

  • Finished Year 12 no earlier than 2 years prior to the intake year (e.g., 2023 for the 2025 intake)
  • Completed no more than 3 subjects at a tertiary level after finishing Year 12.

Q: Does the Rural Access Scheme include all rural Australian or just Queensland?

A: The scheme is open to applicants from designated rural or remote areas of Australia.

Q: Can I apply for the Educational Access Scheme?

A: ATAR or selection rank adjustment programs including the Educational Access Scheme are not available for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science applicants.

Q: Am I eligible for adjustment factors?

A: ATAR or selection rank adjustment programs are not available for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science applicants.

Q: I have a medical condition, disability, or impairment. Can I still apply?

A: Yes, if you’re able to meet the inherent requirements for your course, which could include physical or cognitive abilities, sustainable performance and communication skills. Students must demonstrate these consistently during the learning experience to successfully complete their degree.

Q: If I didn't get an offer in the major round, have I missed out?

A: Not necessarily. A small number of places made available through deferrals or declines may be offered after the deadline for responding to first round offers has passed.

Portals, apps and other systems

Q: Can I apply for more than one course in the same online application?

A: You can apply for up to six courses through the QTAC portal, including all three 石榴视频 courses in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science. You must also apply through the 石榴视频 application portal for these courses.

Q: If I apply for more than one course, how will 石榴视频 know which is my first preference?

A: Please in your QTAC application, from 1 as your most preferred option to 6 as your least preferred option.

Q: Will 石榴视频 assess my application if my first preference is at another university?

A: Yes, if you complete both your QTAC and 石榴视频 applications correctly before the closing date. QTAC will issue you with one offer in each round, for your highest preference that you meet all admission criteria for. As these are all highly competitive courses, we encourage you to put your most desired course as your first preference.

Q: Where do I find my QTAC application number?

A: Look for it on the ‘application’ screen in the QTAC portal. It typically starts with the letter ‘A’ followed by nine digits.

Q: What happens if I enter the wrong QTAC application number in my 石榴视频 application?

A: 石榴视频’s systems regularly check applicant details against the QTAC database to identify any missing or mismatched information including QTAC application numbers. We will contact you if needed.

Q: How do I enter my education history into the 石榴视频 application portal?

A: List all of the schools you attended in each year from Grade 1 to 12, including the years and grades, school names and countries in which you studied. Use ‘homeschool’ and ‘skipped’ for your school’s name in any years of home schooling or grades skipped.

A: You’ll need at least 12 rows, one for each year. If you attended more than one school in a single year, please list details of each school on separate lines.

Q: Why is the interview scheduling system not working?

A: High volumes of traffic on the website to schedule interviews can significantly slow the system’s processing performance. Please wait and try again later.

Q: I’m still having technical issues. Who can I contact?

QTAC Portal

  • Call 1300 467 822
  • QTAC contact webform

石榴视频 Portal and 石榴视频 App

Entry requirements

Q: What are the subject prerequisites for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science?

A: Prior to receiving an offer, you must have completed:

  • English (Units 3/4, C)
  • Mathematical Methods (Units 3/4, C)
  • Chemistry (Units 3/4, C).

For Dentistry and Veterinary Science, 石榴视频 recommends but does not require:

  • Biology.

Q: Can I take a conditional offer to complete a prerequisite subject after I start?

A: 石榴视频 does not extend conditional offers for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science. You must have completed English, Mathematical Methods and Chemistry prior to receiving an offer for any of these courses.

Q: I’m currently in Year 12 but not studying Math Methods or Chemistry. How can I complete these subjects?

A: You can take prerequisite subjects with a different education provider during your Year 12 studies. These are known as bridging subjects.

Q: I’ve already completed Year 12 but didn’t study Math Methods or Chemistry. How can I complete these subjects?

A: Applicants who’ve already completed Year 12 can access the 石榴视频 Prep pathway program in September 2024 to help fulfil subject prerequisites. It cannot be used to meet ATAR requirements and is not available to students in Year 12.

Q: What if I haven’t completed my bridging subject/s yet?

A: In your QTAC application, please enter details of the subject/s you expect to complete. If they are unable to access your results from your education provider, QTAC will ask you to supply this information directly.

Q: I’ve completed one year of study at university. Can I still apply?

A: Yes, tertiary study is not required but your results will be considered.

Q: I’ve completed a full degree. Can I still apply?

A: Yes, tertiary study is not required but your results will be considered.

Q: Is UCAT or GAMSAT required for application process?

A: 石榴视频 does not use the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) or Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) as part of the selection process.

Information and documents for Medicine

Medicine only

The 石榴视频 online form for school officials to complete Predictions of Academic Achievement for students will be available when applications open on 1 August 2024.

Q: Who can I ask to submit a Prediction of Academic Achievement (PAA) for me?

A: Medicine applicants completing Year 12 can request for their school to submit a PAA on their behalf. This must be submitted by a school official through 石榴视频’s online form.

Q: Does 石榴视频 need a PAA to consider my application?

A: PAAs are used to help schedule first round Medicine interviews for applicants currently in Year 12. 石榴视频 does not extend any offers based on predicted results. We strongly encourage all year 12 applicants to request for their school official to submit a PAA to 石榴视频 on their behalf.

Q: Can I get a record of the PAA my school submitted for me?

A: 石榴视频 does not give information provided through PAAs to applicants or any external parties. You may like to request this from your school official.

Q: Why can’t I include applicant statements or letters of support in my application for Medicine?

A: Applicant statements are not part of the Medicine application process. Applicants for Medicine may have the opportunity to meet and share information with a selection panel if invited to attend an interview.

Information and documents for Dentistry and/or Veterinary Science

Dentistry and Veterinary Science only

Q: What do I write in the applicant statements section of the 石榴视频 application?

A: Please tell us about your career motivations, work experience in health industries, your interest in regional and rural health and anything else you think we should know. We encourage all applicants to read and consider the questions carefully and respond honestly and in their own words.

Q: Does 石榴视频 need letters of support to consider my application?

A: Letters of support for Dentistry and Veterinary Science applicants are not essential, so you can choose whether you’d like to submit them or not.

Interviews for Medicine

Medicine only

Q: Am I required to attend an interview for Dentistry or Veterinary Science?

A: No, 石榴视频 does not conduct interviews with Dentistry or Veterinary Science applicants.

Q: What is the interview format?

A: 石榴视频 hosts online panel-style interviews for Medicine applicants with a medical practitioner, an academic staff member and a member of the community.

Q: How will I know if I’ve got an interview?

A: 石榴视频 will send invitations by email in the evenings of 8 November and 20 December 2024 for Medicine interviews in two rounds. If you don’t receive an email invite, you do not need to attend an interview.

Q: What type of questions do you ask at the interview?

A: 石榴视频 is unable to provide guidance on what will be discussed during Medicine interviews or how to prepare for this. We encourage all applicants to consider what’s important to them about a career in Medicine and respond to the panel in your own words.

Q: What should I wear during my interview?

A: We suggest interviewees should dress comfortably but professionally, similar to a job interview.

Bonded medical program for Medicine

Medicine only

Q: What is the bonded medical program?

A: The Australian Government’s provides Commonwealth Supported Places to study Medicine in exchange for participants working in those areas after they graduate.

Q: Are bonded places offered in Dentistry or Veterinary Science?

A: No, these places and their associated commitments are only relevant to Medicine applicants.

Q: Will requesting a bonded place help me get an offer?

A: Applicants cannot request the type of place they may be offered. If you receive an offer for a bonded or standard place, you will have the choice to accept, defer or decline your offer but not to change it.

Q: Are there any other bonded schemes for Medicine applicants?

A: The Bonded Medical Program is now the only active scheme. It replaced two legacy schemes which are now closed to new participants. These were the Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship (MRBS) Scheme and the Bonded Medical Places (BMP) Scheme.