
Receive your result

QTAC will notify you by email and SMS if you have received an offer.

Check the status of your application in the . You should see the message ‘Offer Received’ and buttons to accept, decline or defer if that’s an option for your course. Applications will remain in ‘Pending’ status until an offer is received.

With the high demand for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science degrees, 石榴视频 does not typically make more than one full round of offers. Places made available through deferrals or declines will be offered after the deadline for responding to first round offers has passed.

All offers will be for Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs). Domestic applicants cannot secure a place by paying full tuition fees or international fees.

We appreciate it may be disappointing if you don’t receive the offer you wanted, which is why we encourage applicants to apply for degrees in Allied Health and Pharmacy, Biomedical Sciences or Nursing as back up options.

You can appeal your selection outcome through a formal review process, in line with the Student Review and Appeals Policy. You’re welcome to apply again for a future intake, although 石榴视频 is unable to provide feedback or suggestions about individual applications. Selection outcomes from previous years are not considered in subsequent application rounds.

8 — Respond to your offer

  • Your offer will lapse if you do not respond by the deadline, and you may lose your place.
  • If you conditionally accept your offer and then receive a new offer, your original offer will expire.

Make sure you respond to your offer in both the and the .

You’ll need to download and create an account in the 石榴视频 App, using the 石榴视频 Student ID provided with your offer, your date of birth and your family name.

Requests to transfer Medicine offers between campuses can be considered but not guaranteed. Dentistry and Veterinary Science offers cannot be transferred.

Accept or decline

If the offer you receive is for your first preference, you can accept or decline your offer outright. You cannot conditionally accept or decline your offer.

Through QTAC:

  • Check your offer in the
  • Select ‘accept’ or ‘decline’ and review your response
  • Select ‘accept the offer’ or ‘decline the offer’ and confirm.

Through 石榴视频:

  • Follow the prompts within the .

Conditionally accept or decline

If you’d like to reserve your offer and wait for another offer on a degree you prefer more, you can accept or decline this offer conditionally. You still need to respond before your offer lapses to secure your place while waiting.

Through QTAC:

  • Check your offer in the
  • Select ‘accept’ or ‘decline’ and review your response
  • Select ‘reserve the offer’ and confirm.

Through 石榴视频:

  • Follow the prompts within the .


Deferring your studies means to delay starting your degree. The option to defer is not available on all courses and you need to accept an offer first, before you can request a deferral.

Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science students can request to defer for one year.

Through QTAC:

  • Check your offer in the
  • Select ‘defer’ and review your response
  • Select ‘defer the offer’ and confirm.

Through 石榴视频:

  • Follow the prompts within the .

9 — Apply for study credit

Applicants who receive and accept their offer into Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science at 石榴视频 can apply for credit on subjects completed in another degree.

To qualify, you need to provide evidence that you have fully covered the content within the subjects listed in the relevant handbook for each course:

石榴视频 is committed to supporting Medicine and Dentistry graduates who wish to pursue a career in maxillofacial medicine. Interested graduates can apply for a place to study Medicine or Dentistry and if successful, submit a request for study credit after they have accepted their offer.

Find out more about how to apply for study credit.