
Videos in Learn石榴视频

石榴视频's video platform (Panopto) features a seamless experience of accessing and viewing videos all within Learn石榴视频.

Take a look at the explainer video to see, how to:

  • Access and use the subject video library
  • Use the embedded viewer
  • Use the full viewer

Videos in Learn石榴视频 for Students

Some further information:

Some lectures (available in select rooms) will have low-touch lecture capture enabled.

Your lecturer will inform you on whether their lecture will be recorded and published using this feature. If unsure, please ask them.

If enabled, your lectures will be automatically recorded and published on the relevant subject’s Learn石榴视频 site. There is also a light on the podium that will indicate the in-room recording status.

Example of green light

  • Green = Recording in session
  • Yellow = Recording paused
  • Red = Fault/disconnection
  • Nil colour = Off


Lecture capture is not a substitute for attending lectures, it is a recording of a lecture that you can use to review at your own pace.

It is not guaranteed that the recording will always be successful or published.

Check out this great resource -

What is captured:

  • Lectures (scheduled in enabled rooms)
  • Audio, slides, document recorder, and parts of the room, along with the lecturer

What might also be captured:

  • Students talking
  • Questions asked during the lecture
  • Someone walking across the front of room
  • If an enabled room is empty but has a scheduled lecture recording, you and/or your conversations may be recorded. Check the in-room recording status light.

Recordings using the new platform (Panopto), can be found in Learn石榴视频 subject sites under Books & Tools > Access Subject Video Library.

Screenshots - Accessing the Subject Video Library from Books & Subject Tools

Or, your lecturer might have added a link to the Subject Video Library, from the Subject Content.

Screenshots - Accessing the Subject Video Library from the Subject Content (if lecturer has made it available)

You might also have direct links to videos in the Subject Content or pages.

Direct links to videos throughout the Subject Content

  1. Using the Subject Video Library, search keywords spoken or shown inside the video and fast forward to the timestamp.

  2. Control your playback speed to slow down or speed up when watching videos on-demand.

  3. Take private, time-stamped notes during class or when watching videos on-demand.