
TQ Maths Hub MEOW MEOW Experiences

MEOW Experiences

Maths Explains our Experiences in and Out of this World

Ideas to inspire students to explore topics around the world and beyond with mathematics.


What's that, you ask?

We are all familiar with jamming phenomena in various transportation systems, such as cars and buses, but have you ever seen it in ants? Interdisciplinary research on jamming of self-driven particles has been recently termed jamology. It is based on mathematical physics and also includes engineering applications. So, if you want to be a jamologist, then you might become a traffic engineer or a zoologist.

In this , Dr Katsuhiro Nishinari of the University of Tokyo discusses the simple mathematical models that support his research into traffic jams.

This lesson plan uses the movie Hidden Figures as stimulus. Students learn what it is like to 'make new mathematics' when 'there is no formula', and experience what it takes to use mathematics they are familiar with (e.g. shapes, graphs) to solve a new problem: communicating with someone who can't see what you see, and can't ask any questions.

Download Hidden Figures  (PDF, 298 KB)

opens a door to the world of maths, with all its beauty and applications, by providing articles from the top mathematicians and science writers on topics as diverse as art, medicine, cosmology and  sport. You can read the latest mathematical news on the site every week, listen to podcasts and keep up-to-date by subscribing to Plus (on email, RSS, Facebook, iTunes or Twitter).

  • provides resources and materials for the classroom, including videos that demonstrate the wide use of mathematics in the real world.
  • is a national not-for-profit organisation that holds mathematics and informatics competitions, administers enrichment activities, conducts workshops for students and teachers, and publishes books on mathematical enrichment for Australian and international students.
  • provides real world learning activities and professional development with a sustainability focus. Select mathematics activities using the subject filter. It is free to register and receive their newsletter.
  • will support you to implement the digital technologies curriculum.
  • provides access to real data. Browse the menu to source classroom activities, interactive media and teacher guides on a range of topics for various levels.
  • is filled with wonderful resources, especially datasets, for use in the classroom. Their free  offer space maths programs, according to year level, e.g. calculating the height of a cloud, and tracking a sea turtle by satellite.
  • caters for teachers of different age groups. The best way to find resources is to search by topic, and narrow down to the most relevant information using the index at the top of the results of your search.
  • contain videos that are fun, educational, and will capture your students’ attention and imagination.