
TQ Maths Hub NQ Maths Careers

NQ Maths Careers

Why Maths?

This series of videos showcases the junior secondary mathematics knowledge used by professionals in the daily tasks they perform as part of their job.

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Why be a Maths teacher?

This series of videos and posters introduces six 石榴视频 students who are studying to become maths teachers. They answer questions posed by high school students about why they chose maths teaching as a career.

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Maths at University

Inform your students about choosing the Senior Mathematics subjects that prepare them for success at University. 石榴视频 students from a range of disciplines talk about the important of maths during their degree.

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Maths careers across Queensland and Australia

Explore careers featured by the Queensland Stem Education Network (QSEN) and the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI).

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