
Low-touch Lecture Capture

Easy to manage

Scheduled lectures in enabled teaching spaces are automatically captured and published to students.

  • Easy to use and manage: Simpler workflows and consistent behaviour provide more stability for students and less work for teaching staff.

  • Time-saving: Less manual work for academics allows them more time to focus on other tasks.

  • Easy to support: Fewer steps and clearer actions to tasks, means 石榴视频's support staff are in a better position to help out when things go wrong.

  • Faster capture and availability: Auto-published lecture capture speeds up the time they are made available to students. Low-touch Lecture Capture decreases the workload on academics.

  • In-room controls: Controlling which lectures are captured and which are not is now controlled in the room.  All scheduled lectures, in enabled rooms, will be set up to record, but if there is an activity that should not be captured the in-room button will stop it. Academics, remember to let students know if you will be recording or stopping the recording of a lecture.

  • Clear communication: Automated approaches mean student advice is more consistent. For example, Captured Lectures are available a short while after they have been recorded. Just watching the recorded lecture is a fallback, if attendance is not possible; however, we recommend coming to lectures, taking notes, and asking questions.

Lecture capture follows a simple rule:

Lectures scheduled in the timetable in enabled teaching spaces are automatically captured. The recording is published to the subject's Panopto folder and made available in Learn石榴视频.

Instead of managing what is captured and who is responsible for the recording via the timetable system, the rule above significantly decreases the workload for everyone involved.

Now the control of lecture capture is moved in-room:

  • Teaching staff can intervene to prevent a lecture from being captured by using the control buttons in the room.
  • All teaching staff who are associated with the subject in the TRDB can make adjustments/edits or delete captured lectures for that subject. This brings captured lectures in line with other content within Learn石榴视频.

In addition to the rule above there are some other important things to know:

  • Schedules are updated based on timetable data overnight.
  • If a teaching activity is associated with multiple subjects but those subjects are not merged in Learn石榴视频 and the TRDB the resulting recording will be delivered to the subject which comes first alphabetically.

Tips for low-touch lecture capture:

  • Wear a lapel microphone and/or use the roving microphone
  • Let your students know that a recording is taking place
  • Let your students know that coming to a lecture is the best way to learn and that recordings are not guaranteed to be available
  • Advise your students if you intend on turning the lecture capture off
  • Follow the guidelines

Scheduled lectures – automatic recording

Green light = Recording in progress

Let students know if a recording is taking place by drawing their attention to the recording light and informing them that green means a recording is in progress.

Note: The recording light is also the control button.

If you do not see the green light come on you may have to opt for an ad-hoc lecture capture. If it is red, contact the Videoconferencing and Audio-Visual Services.

Pause instructions

Yellow light = Recording is paused

Yellow light = Recording is paused

To pause, press the centre of the button with the palm of your hand, wait for 2 seconds, and then release. The light should change to yellow.

To resume the recording repeat the button press process. The light should change to green. Ad-hoc recordings

Note: Recordings are still captured when paused but will automatically be edited.

Ad-hoc recordings

To start an ad-hoc recording, from off (no light colour), press the centre of the button with the palm of your hand, and maintain pressure until the light turns green.

To stop an ad-hoc recording, from on (green light colour), press the centre of the button with the palm of your hand, and maintain pressure until the light turns off.

Once you have recorded the ad-hoc, you will need to fill out a to have it added to your nominated subject video library.

More information about ad-hoc recordings

No colour





The Remote Recorder is off.


The Remote Recorder is Recording.


The Remote Recorder is Paused.


The Remote Recorder is Disconnected.

For more information visit Video Capture Guidelines

Advice for students

A presentation "How we are using Lecture Capture (PPTX, 796 KB)" has been created, please feel free to adapt it and use it to introduce Lecture Capture to your students. The last slide includes a link to a by Nordmann et al. (2018), it tells students how they can use Lecture Capture effectively for learning.